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Ch. 2: Friendly Neighbors

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I couldn't remember the last time I slept so badly. All night long my little sex show played on a loop inside my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it. And each time I did a new feeling seemed to emerge.

Sometimes I felt embarrassed, ashamed of how I'd let myself get so easily swept away by some stupid fantasy. Sometimes I felt guilty, doing something like that when I knew exactly what could happen if I was caught. But mostly, I just felt excited.

I kept remembering his eyes. The way he couldn't seem to tear them away from me, the way they followed my every move, the hunger in them.

Another small shiver of pleasure ran through my body at the memory. Especially when I started thinking about what must have happened after I closed the curtains.

If I was this excited remembering what had happened, I could only imagine how he was feeling. After all, you don't keep watching a show like that without enjoying it at least a little bit. I wondered what he was thinking that whole time. Or was he even thinking at all? Was he disappointed when the show ended? Excited? Did he keep thinking about me afterward? Did he touch himself while he did it?

I bit my lip. God, what I wouldn't give to have a front-row seat to that show. Maybe next time, I could—

Logic hit me like a ton of bricks. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks, trying to bring myself back to reality.

No, no, no. There was no "next time." That was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. And a mistake at that. It never should have happened in the first place, and I certainly wouldn't be doing it again.

Eli was depending on me. I got lucky with that car door last night, but if Phil hadn't slammed it...

I shuddered and tried my best to push that thought from my head. It was fine. Everything was fine. It didn't happen so it didn't matter. There was no need to panic about that now. Not while I had actual things to panic about instead. Like how the hell I was going to face Mason today.

Dread filled my body at the reminder. I sighed and leaned my head against the table covering it with my arms.

I'd spent all day doing this. The anxiety was killing me. Each car door that slammed, each voice that I heard, each footstep that passed my house sent me into a mini panic attack. I kept worrying that one of them might be Mason. That he'd actually show up today and I'd finally have to face the reality of what I did.

But maybe I wouldn't have to. Maybe he just wouldn't come today. I mean, it was already nearly four and he hadn't shown up so far. Plus, if I was feeling this awkward about everything, then I'm sure that he was too. Maybe he'd stay at home, make some half-assed excuse to me the next time we inevitably ran into each other, and then we could live the rest of our lives as slightly awkward but amicable neighbors.

I couldn't tell if I was relieved or disappointed by that thought, but either way, it did make me feel a little better. I let out a small sigh and stood up. Okay, no more sitting around and pointlessly panicking. Those dishes weren't going to wash themselves.

However, no sooner had I turned the water on than the doorbell suddenly rang. It sent my heart fluttering in an instant. I glanced at the clock. The mail usually came around this time. Maybe Phil had ordered something that I needed to sign for.

Of course, that was just a pipe dream. Unsurprisingly, I opened the door to find Mason standing there, waiting for me. And yet, somehow, I was still surprised.

He smiled when he saw me. "Hey, Maggie!"

I had no clue what to say to him right now. Still, I knew that I had to say something. Standing here and staring at him like this would only make things more awkward. I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced a smile to my face.

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