Sudden Sound waves

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"Queen P!" R&B said In sync. "R? B? What's up?" Poppy asked

R: we sensed a sound wave!

B: and it's nothing like we Ever heard before!

"What's this about soundwaves?" Queen Essence said as the former king of pop was eves dropping.

R: in the funk town ship, me, B, Demo, and Dante we're playing go fish and our reverberation translator picked up a strange sound, it was really strong, it sound nearby but also far away at the same time!

"Can I listen to it?" Poppy asked. B handed poppy a VERY futuristic tape recorder and she played it.

"Hey that kind of sounds like... phonk?" "AH- Trollex how did you get here!?" Poppy said as she got jumpscared by the techno king.
"Sorry Poppy... didn't mean to scare you" "ITS NOTHING EVERYONE! Stay calm!" Peppy said as he snatched the tape out of Poppy's hand and smashed it. "Good thing I always have an extra~~~" R said as she waved the tape around in the air.

"Dad... is there something you wanna tell us???" Poppy asked. "Uhhhhh Noooooo......" "dad you did this when Barb sent the letter. What's going on?" "There's more than 6 kinds of trolls!" Peppy said as he covered him mouth immediately after. Poppy's eyes lit and and some of the other troll leaders eyes did to, especially Trollex.

Soon after almost all of trolls topia surround Peppy. "There's something almost all you may or may not know... there's not only 6 types of trolls. There's 12...BUT they are much... Much, MUCH more different then all of us already are. And some of them might not even celebrate... Christmas!" And all the Pop trolls started panicking and one classical troll fainted. "MINUET!"

"Can all the leaders come with me please? somewhere...less crowded...?"

-In the cave where the -now-nonexistent- pop sting was protected-

"Long ago... there were 12 species of trolls and in which were split in half. Only 6 tribes had strings, so, the other 6 left because they thought music should be separated and not mixed. You see, some music was to loud, some, to fast, some to slow, they couldn't get along, so they left us 6 and went in their separate ways"

"Wait but do you see trolls topia? We get along perfectly! Maybe if we go visit them we can unite our differences AGAIN! We did it once before, we can do it again!" Poppy said. "Wait remember what happened last time though, and we don't even know what kind of trolls they are yet" branch said while being protective. "Yea but remember what happened with the bergans-" Viva said with worry. "C'mon viva! It'll be great" Besides, the bergens are good now and they won't eat us anymore" poppy replied

"Oh yes, their genres, I almost forgot

Trance, Night core, Alternative, Instrumental, Dance, and Dubstep."

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