Chapter 12: Had Enough

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Nicole's POV
*3 Months Later*
((I Apologize For My Shityness))

Once again, I wake up alone. Tony is on another tour. Shouldn't their be rules on how long they stay home before they tour again? I am starting to think it isn't just touring anymore. I wonder if he's with that girl he called on the phone...

No. He hasn't even tried to call her lately. Unless I am just super oblivious.

What makes this worse is I am due within the next 2-3 months. I can't raise our child without him. I'm still in college. I won't be able to finish if I have a baby all by myself. I only have a few years left. I need him.

I need to stop over thinking ever little thing when I just need to get up and get ready for Tony's arrival.

As I stand up, my body feels like its being pulled back to the ground. I ignore the feeling and just continue to walk through my house. I pull my hair up into a shitty bun before grabbing some cleaning supplies. I sigh and go into the bathroom first. It's funny how much a girls bathroom can get in only a few months. No regrets.

I start in the shower, making sure to get every strand of hair off the walls. I get down to scrub the bathtub and anything else. This is going to take forever. Tony is lucky I love him.

My only question is, does he love me?

*Around Noonish*

I have finished the whole upstairs in four hours. Now I have the downstairs. I wonder how long I have left to do so.

I go grab my phone from a speaker I decided to use after a while. It was just too quiet for this. If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn is cut off and I dial Tony's number. It goes straight to voicemail and I huff. Then I dial Jamie's number. After only a couple of rings, he answers.

"Nicky!" He screams and I pull the phpne away from my ear a little with a laugh.

"Hey Hime-Time." I greet myself in a normal way. "What time are you guys supposed to be home?"

"Home?" He seems confused. "I'm at home right now."

"Oh is Tony with one of you guys?" I ask, putting my left hand

"No." His confusion shows even more as he continues to speak. "He isn't with you?"

"No..." I trail off biting my lip. "How are you guys already home from the tour?"

He sighs, "Oh God. I told Tony.....Fuck."

"What is going on, Jaime?" I say and I am already afraid for the worst.

"It's not my place to say. I love you Nicky and just beat his ass for me okay?" Why isn't he telling me anything?!?!?

"Tell me what's-" Jaime cuts me off by hanging up.

I throw everything down and the anger boils up inside me. I try to take deep breaths for the sake of the baby. I feel the tears sting my eyes. I go from anger to miserable heartbreak. I had been all to familiar with this mood swing, but never have I felt so betrayed like I do now.

My assumptions have been right all along. He's having an affair.

I hope he realizes what he is losing tonight the second he brings his sorry ass through that door. I hope he realizes the second he choses that other woman over me, I'm out. I will take my baby, I will take my keys, I will take everything I need and will move in with Louise and Jaime for a while. There will be nothing he could say to even make me hesistate.

I will not deal with a cheating husband. I don't want to sleep with someone who is sleeping with someone else. I lie to my child about why her father is gone so much. I am not going to deal with any of that bullshit.

I refuse to.


I stay sitting on the couch. At the moment, I feel absolutely nothing. No anger, no sadness, just nothing. I don't even care anymore. Something deep down inside of me has known that this was going to happen for a very long time. I just didn't want to admit it. Now, now I have no reason to not believe.

I hear the door start to unlock. My blood pumps and my nerves are going crazy. Everything begins to hit me again. I can't breathe. My hands begin to shake. I take deep breaths to the best of my ability to try and calm myself down a little. I regain composure and go back to my hardened stare at the door.

Tony walks in on the phone and he thinks I can't hear him while he whispers, "I love you too, honey. Goodbye."

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. He comes in with that smile and I start to forget it all, but I close my eyes momentarily. His smile can't fix what he's done.

As I open my eyes again, he is right in front of me. That smile still on his face. He is clueless about the knowledge I have against him.

"Hey baby." Tony leans down to hug me but I push him off.

"Don't you dare 'hey baby' me." I stand up, shoving him over.

"What's wrong, babe?" I just might punch him.

I take a deep breath to keep from hitting. Honestly, no matter how mad I am at him, I still love him with all of my being. There is nothing I wouldn't do for this man, but I can't stay. I just can't.

"Don't touch me." I start going for the door because I am done with everything.

"Nicole." He grabs my wrist, stopping me in my place.

The anger builds up once again. This time, I just turn around and hold nothing back.

"Tour huh?" I say the words calmly.

"Yeah tour. I'm home now." Hi lies irritate my soul.

"You..You...LIAR!" I shout.

He stops for a moment and I think he realizes I am on his game.

"We're about to have a baby!" I scream at him, obviously frustrated. "You know what, I'm going to call the guys."

"P-Please don't." Tony stutters, the tears building in his eyes.

"Why?" He just shakes his head. I bite my lip, taking a deep breath. "Then tell me the truth. Are you having an affair?"




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