Chapter 38

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One Year Later

Hermione: I miss you already.

Ron: I miss you too, baby. I can't wait to see you in a couple of days.

Lexi smiled and tucked her phone back into her pocket. Tom had left earlier that morning on a fieldwork assignment to Phoenix, Arizona. She wanted to go with him but she had her assignment for that night. She was set to attend a gala with her family and catch a jewel thief.

The past year had been one of the best years of Lexi's life. After they solved the ransomware case, Hasan held a party in their honor and paid them very well for their services. It turned out, Dean Kovsky was using the university as a cover for multiple cyber attacks across various organizations. The FBI got involved and Lexi managed to save several other businesses from attacks. Word spread like wildfire, and her family couldn't keep up with the case requests that came streaming in.

Before Lexi knew it, they were hiring more staff and finding a larger office space to work in. Tom and Lexi led the cyber crimes division while Cole and Mindy led domestic cases.

Each day Lexi fell more and more in love with Tom. Working alongside him and solving cases together was an absolute dream. Sure, they had their arguments from time to time, but they always ended back in each other's arms. Somehow, by some divine intervention, they managed to steer clear from having sex, but Lexi knew in her heart that Tom was the one for her. The way he always put her needs before his and how he loved her so intently was something that she didn't take lightly. She contemplated showing how much he meant to her when he got back from Phoenix.

Lexi finished getting ready and smoothed out her dark green flowy dress. She had finally moved out of her parent's house and found an apartment with Mindy a few months ago. It wasn't too far from her parents, but the distance seemed to help her feel more like her own person each day.

"Lex! Your dad is downstairs! Are you ready?" Mindy yelled through the door.

"Yep! Coming!"

The girls made their way down the stairs and filed into Jason's large SUV. Jason and Cole were in tuxedos and Scarlett was wearing a sleek, maroon dress. "You girls look great!" Jason said as he sped out to the road.

"Why do we need all of us for this case, again?" Lexi swept her hair to the side and tilted her head against the window. She wanted to be with Tom in Phoenix. A part of her wondered if she should just ditch and catch the next outgoing flight.

"Lex! We need every single one of you. You remember your task right?" Scarlett glanced over her shoulder.

Lexi sighed. "Yes, once Mindy passes the man's phone to me, I'll hack into it and find the address of the jewel thief's exchange point."

"Exactly! And we'll need to attend to the other guests so we need you to do it. Everyone has their part to play tonight!" Scarlett glanced over her shoulder and ducked as if she was going to share a secret. "I heard the jewels are worth three point five million. Isn't that exciting?"

"Exciting for the thief, I bet."

The group continued to chat about the case but the minutes continued to tick by as they sat in horrendous traffic. Scarlett frantically kept checking the time. "Are we going to make it before the exchange?"

"You're right! I shouldn't have taken us this way. Don't worry, I know a better one!" Jason said excitedly as he veered left. It was as if all of his road knowledge had prepared him for this moment. He weaved through the side streets and Lexi had to clutch the armrest to save her from falling over.

Soon Jason was pulling up to the valet and everyone spilled out of the car. Lexi adjusted her sparkly diamond earrings before walking up the steps of the Museum of Contemporary Art. The gala was bustling with people dressed to the nines. Men in tuxedos and women in stylish dresses dotted the busy interior that was lined with large contemporary paintings and sculptures. Jazz-like music played through the speakers adding even more elegance to the space.

Lexi made her way to the bar and grabbed a glass of champagne. She scanned her surroundings and her heart stopped when she saw a man who looked almost identical to Tom from the back. After moving to get a closer look, she realized it was just some young man with similar tufts of blonde hair. She sighed. I need to focus.

Moving back into position, she waited patiently for her family to execute on the start of the plan. Soon, Mindy passed by her and slipped a phone into her hand. Lexi made her way to a secluded corner and got to work. In no time, she was able to get in and scan the phone using the homemade kit she had tucked into her purse. Her eyes grew wide when she found the messages.

Swiftly navigating to the information cataloged, she saw that the exchange was happening at the museum on the second floor, and started five minutes ago. In one swift motion, she slipped the phone into her clutch and frantically scanned the area for her parents, Cole, or Mindy. They were nowhere to be seen. Her heart began pounding and she walked through the space, still not spotting anyone. Where the hell did they go?

Without wasting another second, Lexi hurried to the grand staircase along the north wall. Someone needed to see the exchange happen and since her family decided to go MIA it was up to her. There were only a handful of spacious rooms on the second floor and she peeked into each one. Yet, her heart nearly stopped and her jaw fell open when she reached the last room.

The room was dark but the flames dancing on the white candle tops illuminated a warm glow over the space. Rose petals led a path toward the man that had turned Lexi's world around.

Tom beamed at Lexi and his presence forced her breath to catch in her throat and her pulse to skyrocket. What's happening?


"Hi, my love." Tom wiped his brow with the back of his hand. He looked nervous and Lexi's feet propelled her forward toward him. He was in a perfectly tailored tux that clung to his body and his hair was styled back.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Phoenix?" Lexi wrapped her arms around him for a hug.

He shook his head and clasped Lexi's hands. "I didn't go to Phoenix."

The reality of the current situation was sinking in and Lexi's heart continued to hammer against her rib cage. Warmth was flooding every nerve in her body and her mind raced to figure out if what was happening was what she thought was happening.

"Lexi. You are the love of my life. Ever since I first laid eyes on you at the door of Sky Residences my life changed for the better. You've captivated every part of me - mind, body, and soul. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life and for the blessing you've been. You've shown me what it means to enjoy life and what real love is. We've overcome a lot together over the past year, but each time it's only brought us closer. Thank you for choosing me each day to love and I want us to continue choosing each other every day in the future, til death do us part."

Tears were streaming down Lexi's face as she tried to process Tom's words. Tom furrowed his brows before continuing. "I knew pretty early on that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. It may have been around the time you saw my Star Wars kitchenware set and thought it was cool, but I know it was well before that."

Lexi laughed through tears and Tom brought his hands up to her cheeks and wiped them with his thumbs. He gulped before retrieving a small black box from his pocket and Lexi stepped back while placing both hands over her face. Immediately she began nodding. She knew what he was going to ask and she already had her answer. Tom got on one knee and lifted the box's lid revealing a beautiful princess-cut diamond ring. "Lexi Scott. Will you marry me?"

Lexi continued to nod with tears continuing to stream down her face. It took a second but she was finally able to let words out. "Yes! Yes, Tom! I'll marry you!"

Complete joy spread over Tom's face and he took out the ring and placed it over her ring finger. It fit perfectly and Lexi jumped in his arms, sealing the affirmation with a kiss. Cheers and hollers were heard all around as her and Tom's families came into view. Lexi laughed and brought her hands to her face. She was going to marry the love of her life, Tom Miller.

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