Chapter 4: Iron and egg

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I woke up from the roar of dragon and heavy boots clattering on stone in corridor. I rolled onto back, rubbing my eyes and cursing my fucking cousin. My informants told me that it's calm and quiet all the time on Dragonstone, because Targaryens left their family nest. And I believed them until I faced the exact opposite situation.

My eyes refused to open, but strangely, I didn't hear anyone come in to me. Door of my chambers didn't make even a one little knock. And everyone continued to fuss.

Please, tell me this isn't a normal morning here. I'd rather die than endure this. Or since I now have the biggest dragon on the island, I could burn them. Or at least try.

I sat up in bed looking around. For such number and size of windows, the room was surprisingly light.

I threw back the covers and got up. My feet sank to the cold floor and I grimaced in displeasure. I went to the window along the way touching my hair to appreciate how messy it was.

I need to take a normal bath. That jug of water and basin that I asked for was good for last night, but it's not enough. It was light and cloudy outside, so I couldn't tell the time exactly.

I exhaled and began to undo the night braid. Then I washed, combed my hair and again braided two small pigtails on the sides, connecting them at the back.

The heavy lid of the chest when awake was difficult to open, but I managed. I took out a leather suit, put it on. I has to left the sheath with dagger in the chest because the suit, unlike the dress, didn't allow to hide it. Sitting on the bed and putting on my boots, I finally came to my senses.

Time to meet my dragon and find the rest of luggage.

I left the castle not understanding where all the people who were here recently had gone. Daemon decided to make fun of and ordered them to walk around at my door? If so, then he's the first on the list of someone who wouldn't hurt to burn.

I went out onto a long staircase intending to return to the place where I left Vermithor. Turning my head to right, I suddenly noticed a group of people standing at the entrance to  Dragonstone. Among them there was no doubt a white head.

Now that everyone is distracted is the best time to take my weapon without question. But I just couldn't miss the drama.

Without thinking twice, I went ffurther down the stairs adding a new item to my plans.

I walked pretty fast and everyone seemed to be too self-absorbed to notice me. The distance between me and people was reduced to thirty meters, when Daemon suddenly took out a sword from its scabbard and pointed it at the interlocutor.

I slowed down walking at a normal pace, and behind me came the howl of Caraxes. The face of Daemon's interlocutor twitched in fright and I mentally patted my cousin. Yes, it looks like someone knows how to intimidate.

I had already come close to the crowd when another dragon roared. To left of the bridge, the clouds began to move apart and a golden dragon flew out of it. He was half the size of Caraxes with rider on his back.

Dragon landed on other side of the bridge and rider got off it. When the person approached, I could see her face through free space between the golden cloaks. So this is the king's daughter. Too many Targaryens have visited the abandoned castle.

She stepped closer to Daemon without expressing fear. Interesting.

"My father named me princess of Dragonstone" she said on High Valyrian. "That is my castle you're living in, uncle"

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