Chapter 12: Tree

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The sun in the King's Landing shone so brightly that it seemed as if it was welcoming us. I straightened up, exposing as much skin as possible to the sun. How good it's to finally take off my armor. Feel the warmth of the sun and the touch of the wind on my body. 

Today i wore a not too light and revealing blue dress. But still at least half of my dresses didn't suit the weather and morals of the capital. Three years ago i tried to choose only those that i could wear here. But i couldn't leave behind a pair of my flowing favorites. I wouldn't survive without it.

"No, no, no, no" the king exclaimed loudly, knocking me out of my thoughts. "I will not revisit this debate. You were always mother's favorite" he said pointing his finger at Daemon.

I looked around our small circle. The king looked pleased with the reunion. Or our victory. I haven't decided yet. Daemon grinned, nodding at his brother. I turned my gaze to the queen, who seemed to have been watching me for a long time. 

As if caught red-handed, she quickly looked away. I chuckled. It appears to represent the most pious part of the King's Landing. Looks sideways at me, as if he doesn’t understand how the king accepted me with my origin. And most importantly, what am i doing among the nobility? I would like to know, Your Majesty.

"It's no great mystery. You were" Viserys laughed.

I noticed movement to my left and turned my head. Rhaenyra smiled at me and i nodded respectfully back to her. She looked from her father to Daemon, as if she was deciding on something

"Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules... And i, sadly, was no great warrior" the king continued.

Rhaenyra finally stepped forward slightly. "Congratulations on your victory" she said, looking between me and Daemon.

Silence hung in the air. The king pursed his lips, looking down somewhere. What?.. Isn't she his beloved daughter? Rhaenyra seemed confident that her father would listen to her the previous time we met. Daemon nodded slightly.

"Thank you, princess" he said.

I smiled again. We looked at each other awkwardly. And again there was silence. I tried to look at the yard to somehow entertain myself, but it didn’t help. The glass of wine in my hand was more of a hindrance. I didn’t feel like drinking at all, much less getting drunk, so i focused on looking at him.

The queen cleared her throat to attract attention. "Perhaps prince Daemon or lady Alysanne would care for a tour of the gallery?" she smiled looking at the king. "They haven't yet seen the new tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor"

The king bent down slightly, raising his eyebrows. "Oh..." he slowly turned to Daemon and grinned. i furrowed my eyebrows, looking at him, when Viserys suddenly began to laugh. He leaned on Daemon, patting him on the shoulder. "Would you like to see the tapestries?"

He laughed for an inappropriately long time, and then turned back to his wife.

"He has no interest in such things" the king explained.

The queen purses her lips almost imperceptibly, but quickly pulls herself together. I thought how nice it must be to live in constant awkwardness and shame. Looking at her, i was more glad than ever that i wasn't born in Westeros.

"I'd like to see them" Rhaenyra said, trying to protect the queen.

However, it was difficult to say whether the king or his wife was more unhappy. Viserys nodded with a blank expression, turning his gaze to his daughter.

"Oh, well" he said emotionlessly. "Then you should not deprive yourself"

This state of uncertainty was already beginning to irritate. As if everyone had managed to make problems with each other in three years. Or maybe they always had them. I haven't been here before, but judging by the rumors and my impressions, everything was fine. Was.

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