20 | the pool house

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a/n: before you start, I just want to clarify that this chapter is a flashback which is why it's written in past tense. also thanks in advance for reading! please remember to vote and comment, it really helps 


When we crossed from golden light into dim shadows, I felt the tension shift with us. I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing. Hiding us in the pool house so no one could witness my impulsivity.

My beating blood drove my every move, steering from inside my veins. For such sharp features, Nate's grin reminded me of the moon-faced Cheshire Cat's. Pure mischief exuding. A troublemaker's grin.

I couldn't keep my hands off of him, and his were soon at my top. Peeling it off, throwing it aside. Our waterlogged clothes hit the floor one piece at a time until it was only underwear left. He tore from my lips and looked at me in a new, feverish way. A curse under his breath, curled fingers under lace. They could have been made of hot iron, pressing on my hips, scorching his prints to my skin.

His eyes were headlights shining over me, bright and blinding. The last thing you might see before you crash and burn.

I ignored the voice urging me to cover myself, focusing on him instead. I slid my hands down the slopes of his shoulders, felt his muscles tense under my palms. I wanted to dip my fingers along his collarbone and explore every ridge from edge to edge, but we were still drenched, and my matted hair was bothering me. So I slipped out of his grip and went to fetch towels in the bathroom.

When I came out, Nate was behind the bar, twisting the cap off a bottle of whiskey. For a split second I thought I should stop him. But Rachel's parents had the pool house constantly stocked for guests or parties. That whiskey was there to be drank, so I dried my hair and joined him without another thought.

I watched Nate rub a towel over his head before he threw it on a counter and took a swig from the bottle. But he held it back when I reached for it.

"Too strong for you, DeMarco," he said, lifting the bottle above his head.

My jaw fell open. "You shouldn't just assume things."

"I assume you've never had this before. Tell me I'm wrong."

I stretched and took another swipe, but my fruitless attempts only made him smirk, which only made me more determined. "I know what I can handle."

"Famous last words."

Putting on my best puppy dog eyes, I moved closer and blinked up at him.

He shook his head. "Tempting, but that's not gonna work."

I decided to try a different tactic. Sliding my hands on his ribcage, I slowly pressed myself against him, fusing our bare skin. "Give it to me, Nate."

His breath faltered against me, glassy eyes dropping to my chest. And without any argument, he lowered the bottle. I realized right then that I could have told him to do anything in that moment and he probably would have done it. All because of my body. It gave me a rush of power, knowing I could get what I want with something I had never considered using before. I liked the feeling.

The whiskey set my throat on fire, and I did my best to swallow without a sour face. While the taste wasn't for me, the instant effect it had coursed through my bloodstream like liquid gold. I was buzzed from earlier, but the whiskey ramped me up to a new level.

The bottle moved between us, back and forth, lighter every time. My bones were vibrating. I couldn't stay still. I couldn't stop smiling. Everything was heightened. The pain in my cheeks, the tingles my hair left every time it moved over my back.

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