33 | belonging

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"Damn, Lia, your family's pizza is no joke," Clara states, moving her hand over her mouth as she chews. "Rob's been holding out on us."

After some introductions with Matt, and also with me and Alex, the group all settled down on the blanket and tucked in.

Alex is even more striking up close. We haven't been sitting here long, but the effortlessness about her is clear. Not only in her cool demeanor, but she's so lithe and naturally beautiful she seems like someone who could roll out of bed, shake out her golden hair and be ready to grace the cover of a health and fitness magazine.

"The authentic stuff is always the best," Blake chimes in. "You guys are Italian, right? Or just super good at Italian food?"

I swallow my sip of soda before I answer. After Rachel's party, the thought of drinking alcohol makes me queasy. "Half, on my mom's side. And she runs the restaurant, so yeah it's authentic."

"Wait." Alex moves onto her knees. "So is Rob actually for real when he speaks Italian? I thought he was just bullshitting to try and sound impressive."

"He probably is. Some of it might be right but it's most likely jumbled."

"Lia speaks it too," Nate adds from my left.

"You do?" Matt asks from my right.

I shake my head. "It's also jumbled. We spoke it more when we were kids."

"So modest." Nate leans forward, looking over me to Matt. "Piss her off enough and you'll hear it come out."

I nudge him in the ribs. "Doesn't mean what I'm saying makes sense."

"It doesn't need to make sense when it sounds that good. Like being yelled at by a young Monica Bellucci or something."

My muscles go rigid. Monica Bellucci? One of the most beautiful Italian women in history? He's lighting a cigarette like that was a throwaway comment, and maybe it was because the conversation flows on between the others, but not everyone. Alex is looking at me carefully, ticking to Nate, and I feel Matt doing the same.

I keep my reaction steady, scooting in front of Matt to sit between his legs and rest against him. A shameless attempt to throw him off the scent. A scent I didn't think I'd have to worry about because it shouldn't be there anymore. Matt relaxes behind me, wrapping his arm over my chest. Firmly.

I shiver when he brushes aside my hair, moving his lips against my ear to softly say, "I don't want you to ever have to yell at me, but I might need to get a peek at that Monica Bellucci impression at some point."

He places a single kiss behind my ear and I giggle, more out of relief than anything.

As the night goes on, there aren't any more close calls with Nate. I know he didn't intentionally make that comment to mess with me, but I think it was enough to make Matt wonder about my growing friendship with him. Wonder about getting closer with this whole group in general.

I've never had this before - feeling like I'm part of something. Having a best friend is different. One person I confide in and hang out with can't compare, and Rachel must feel the same when she hangs out with her cheerleader friends.

Enjoying the togetherness of it all. Laughing and sharing stories and jokes and talking about nothing. Belonging.

I stick with Matt most of the time to keep him at ease. When it gets cooler and he takes off his letterman jacket to slip onto me, you could mistake him for one of these beach guys. Him and Ollie were even in an engaging conversation for a while. I have no idea what it was about, Clara had been getting me to time how long she could do a drunk handstand for. Seven seconds.

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