CHAPTER VII - The Book of Brennan

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"A note my sister left me—and my brothers journal

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"A note my sister left me—and my brothers journal.
The Book of Brennan."

It's the evening when Violet returns from the infirmary, her arm matching mine. She walks over to her bed, a small smile on her face which is directed at me and Rhiannon.

I feel for Violet, I know the feeling of having to be in a sling. They say breakable, weak. I know Violet isn't, but others don't know that. All the cadets in the gym had seen Violet get beaten and broken. That screamed weak in the Rider's Quadrant, that the individual was a liability to the squad.

I knew Violet wasn't. She was small yes, but she was also a Sorrengail. I refuse to believe that she was meant to die on a mat, she was destined for something so much more, she had to be.

Violet was meant to change the world, I knew it somehow. Even if now she seemed weak and fragile, I knew she was anything but. Her sling didn't declare her weak, if anything it showed how much of a fighter she was.

I felt bad, mainly because I didn't have to go through the same judgement she is with my injury. People knew I was strong and skilled now that I had 'taken down' Xaden. I hated him currently, but he did help me out in the Physical Assessment.

"You're here!" Rhiannon notices Violet and jumps from her bed excitedly.

"I'm here," Violet assures her. "I'm already down one shirt, but I'm here."

"You can get another at central issue tomorrow." I say to her. I glance down at her sling. "How bad is it?"

"It's going to hurt for the next few days, but I'll be fine as long as I keep it immobilized. I'll be all healed up before we start on-mat challenges." She tells me. I smile.

"That's great, Violet." I say. My sling should also be gone before on-mat challenges start, much to my relief.

"I'll help you get ready," Rhiannon offers. "You and Elaine are the the only friends I have in here, so I'd rather you didn't die when it gets real." Her lips lift into a wry smile.

"I'll try my best not to." Violet grins. "And we'll help you with history." She adds, to which I nod as well.

Violet leans onto her pillow, letting out a sigh of relief when she rests her head on the soft surface. Her eyes widen in curiosity as she hops off the bed, moving the pillow with her good hand. My mouth falls open as I see a book on the mattress.

"We'll be unstoppable," Rhiannon declares, not paying attention to the situation, rather Tara who is walking by. I swear I can see Rhiannon blushing as Tara looks up.

Violet grabs the book, a letter falling out. I pick it up for her, handing the note to her. Rhiannon pulls her gaze from the window and looks at the letter, her eyes widening.

DARK PARADISE//Xaden RiorsonWhere stories live. Discover now