A new chapter has started in my life....

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21th june 2015...

Just like any happy little boy enjoying his holiday with his family in a huge, entertaining place. This place had such great things as  a swimming pool, a football pitch, and a golf course.
Every summer holiday, our dad takes us to places like that with his friends at work and their families as well.

Me and my sister loved this trip so much, just as we have every year before.

But this year was different.

June 21, 2015, was one of the most unforgettable days for my family, especially me.

In the morning of this day, we all went to the swimming pool because it was sunny and very hot that morning. Everyone was ready to get into the pool.

We started playing with our dads, and it was funny until dad and his friends left us and they started talking about work things.

We kids continued playing and passing the ball to each other.

Until that one kid suggested playing the "cannonball" game, in which you get out of the pool and, with your maximum powers, jump into it again, and whoever splashes the most water will win.

It was my turn.

I was charging my power by getting away from the pool as far as possible to run and jump into it.

But when I was backing away, there was a wall, and from the other side, It had an electricity box that generates the whole place. Once my back touched that wall
I couldn't feel anything but my friends screaming and traumatized, searching for help.

My dad and his friends ran directly into the swimming pool because the sound of the EXPLOSION of that electric box was so loud. Dad found me lying on the ground with some of my back skin near me. The last thing I saw before fainting out was the pain in my dad's eye.

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