Chapter 1 : the disaster

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immediately, they took me to the hospital and everyone was shocked, i can remember this day very well, i was on the verge of death, but god gave me another chance.
I couldn't feel anything after fainting the next time i opened my eyes was in the surgery room half naked surrounded by 8 doctors trying to analize what happened to my back
got into an immediate surgery to decrease the amount of the electricity I've gained from the accident,but the loss of the blood and the skin was beyond imagination, there was barely any intact skin without burning  but thanks god they got to save me
I have finished the surgery and got into a room alone that was isolated from any electronics, i dealt with this alone for two whole days without seeing my parents only seeing that nurse every moment by my side to help me and serve me.
the two days had finished, now they finally allowed visits in my room.
this picture is still engraved in my memory, the pain in my father and mother's eyes, my sister as well she already has fainted when she saw my back
everything dad was saying was he thanking god that I've lived after this critical situation
i am still in a critical condition but thanking god that i did survived with my life.
i have stayed in the hospital for a whole month, after that I've had an EXTREMELY DIFFICULT PAIN in my back
here's The disaster...
the doctor talked to my dad and was trying to calm him down so he can tell him what's the problem with me
it turned to be a disease that affects one out of every million people for those who was exposed to this kind of accident, it totally depends pn the nature of the skin, and i was this one person out of the million
my dad was traumatized and speechless didnt know what to do or what's going on he doesn't gets it , my normal little boy will have to suffer all his life because of me, because i was careless and didn't had my eye on him while we was in the swimming pool, He asked the doctor then what kind of treatment should we follow or use
the doctor answer shocked everyone around who know me and who didn't that there was people came to the doctor and asked him out of curiosity about my disease and dad has frozen in his place
we haven't found any treatment especially for the back thing and we are told that if there's any conditions suffers from this type of disease we give them ONLY Painkillers and pain relievers، However, until this moment, we have not found any treatment for this disease. That's what the doctor said
dad couldn't hold himself that he punched a man(that was y the doctor out of curiosity) in the face and If it weren't for the people who were present in this place, the situation would have gotten worse.
I'm now sleeping in my room surrounded by my family and friends i love and I didn't like the pain in their eyes, this only got me worse
i guess i have to hold tight all of my life
that's what men are built for...

-January 21th 2018
Dad was talking with my mom about leaving the country we're living in and going back to our home country because there was so many fees for foreign people which was expensive so dad decided to let us go our home country and he will finish his contract and come for us...
-May 25th 2018
My birthday
Last birthday I'll celebrate here in this country, the country I've bulit all my memories and friends in..
All of my friends was in this birthday we finished celebrating and then played football untill sunrise
It was such a beautiful day fr I'm gonna miss them all i don't know how I'll make friend and start from zero point again
-july 14th 2018
Was the day of departing from Saudi to Egypt, it was painful , we all were sad of course especially me and my sister
Mom was sad surely but was happy at the same time because she's goin to see her family again and live among them.
We did arrive to Egypt safely
We're gonna start another life
Another chapter in my life has begun.

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