Chapter Six

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Hey all!

So this is a shorter chapter and I may change it but I'm not sure yet. Let me know what you think.

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After our little exchange, Alec ran upstairs to take a shower.

I can't help but feel as if I'm awkward every time I'm around him, and that he picks up on it. That he thinks of me like a child.
He just does something to me, makes me feel things that I know I shouldn't. It's wrong. But I just can't help it. The butterflies in my stomach, the tingles on my skin when he touches me even in the most innocent of ways. The way my core gets tight when he calls me a good girl... making me the upmost flustered.

Gosh. I really am helpless.

Luckily he didn't press me to talk about why I came back so soon. It had only started to get cloudy by the time I got back to the house, and I didn't want to have to explain that I was uncomfortable in that kind of setting. That Xavier was getting too drunk and a little too handsy for my liking.

And it wasn't Joslyns fault at all, she was enjoying herself and I wasn't about to bring the mood down with my own thoughts and emotions. It's her summer too, I want her to enjoy it. So luckily I told her that I was having cramps and didn't bring any feminine products with me so she let me scurry off in a rush so that I wouldn't stain my swimsuit. Luckily I'm not due for my period for another week but I needed an out. So miss flo was that ticket and I happily took that train.

"So whatcha cookin? I meant to ask earlier." Alex laughs as he descends the stairs.

I smile at his presence but quickly look away as I pull the potato wedges out from the oven.
"I made southwest crispy chicken sandwiches, and potato wedges. All from scratch so hopefully you like it. Joslyn loves when I make this." I laugh, thinking back to the time in college after a hard day of exams, Joslyn was so stressed out about failing that she threw up and instead of trying to distress, she drank a whole bottle and of wine... long story short, she got sick all over again and refused to eat anything else besides my southwest crispy chicken sandwiches and potato wedges with like a pound of nacho cheese. She had to have still been drunk. There's no way she wasn't. She ate four sandwiches. Four.
I can only eat one.

Alec approaches me slowly, watching  me plate the sandwiches with a little lettuce and homemade sauce for the sandwiches.
I lightly toasted the buns with a little butter so they would be warm with a light crunch.

"I haven't had a meal like this in a long time. It smells great."

I glance up at him and quickly glance away as my cheeks flush.
His thick brown hair is wet and disheveled as if he combed it but tan his hands through it over and over again. He has light grey sweat pants on and a fitted white t-shirt, and black socks.

Very casual.

Very... shit. I need a glass of wine. Or a beer.

"Daphne?" He asks, taking me out of my headspace.


He laughs lowly, shaking his head. "It's nothing. Just said it smells good."

"O-oh, I'm sorry s-Alec." I smile softly, "thank you. It's easy but yummy so it's a go to dinner."

He nods before heading over to the fridge, taking a beer out. I feel his eyes on me for a moment before I glance over at him as he takes out a second beer and walks back over to the counter beside me.
He slides me a beer after popping the caps off of both, his eyes meeting mine after I take hold of the cold bottle.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Do you not like beer?" He raises a brow before taking a swig from his drink.

I nibble on my bottom lip before shaking my head no, earning a small smirk from the beautiful man in front of me.

"Now, I never said that. I just remember that you and Bobby got in a little tift over Joslyn and I drinking."

"It's just you and me here. No one has to know." He shrugs.

Something about what he said felt a whole lot dirtier than what it was supposed to. I swear he worded it like that on purpose. But maybe that's just me being all in my head and not in reality.
I need to get a grip.

I place a plate in the microwave for Joslyn since she should be getting back soon now that it's getting cloudy due to the storm soon approaching.
I then make Alec and my plates, then a small one of plain chicken for Sadie.

I give her the chicken before walking back to the kitchen, Alec watching me carefully.
"What is it?" I ask, curious as to why his stare on me.

"Just surprised you're not cold. Still
Just in your swimsuit."

"I didn't even notice. Im feeling a little bit is all. Let me go change." I say, turning on my heel.

Im stopped in my tracks as Alec grabs my arm and spins me around.
He's looking down at me as I stare up into his eyes that have never seemed so sparkly before. But I've also never been this close before.
Our chests are pressed against one another and I shame myself for getting the chills from his light touch because it makes my nipples harden and I know for a fact that he feels them pressing against his thin shirt.

"You don't need to change. It was just an observation." He takes a deep breath, and I turn to look away. The way his warm breath fanned against my neck gives me a wave of goosebumps, and I scold my body for betraying me so suddenly.

He lets out a small chuckle with a shake of his head before he releases me from his grasp, "how about we eat in the living room. You can pick the show."

"Sounds good to me." I say, releasing a deep breath.

After we ate and watched at least three episodes of 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' we not only finished our food. But three bottles of beer each.

"You can really put beer away huh?" Alec laughs he watches me chug the last few sips of my bottle.

I shrug, "not a lot of girls like beer. But I'm my experience, it's the girls that can't drink beer that you can't trust. The ones that drink those froo-froo drinks. Those girls are snakes."

"I agree." He says nonchalantly.

"I take it that prostitute you hired drinks nothing but fruity stuff huh?"
I asks boldly.

I should've stopped after my first beer. But then I had a second. And then a third. And now I'm feeling a little too confident and loose. Not a good mix.

Alec nods and looks at me, turning his body on the couch toward me, "sex worke-collegue. But yeah." He starts, "so should I trust you then?"

"That depends. Trust me on what?"

"Well. Daphne. Can you be a good girl, can you keep a secret?"

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