They hate when you

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-Compare yourself to others
-He just thinks you're perfect and it pisses him off that you don't think that
-Compliments all the time!!!

-When your drunk
-He hates the fact that boys would come up to you with bad intentions and as you weren't in the right state of mind you wouldn't know what was going on
-When you're drunk you loose control of yourself, sometimes you say everything you think

-Don't tell him your secrets
-He wants to know all and everything about you
-He's afraid you're secretly talking to other guys

-Don't tell him whats wrong
-He wants to protect you and be there for you
-Hates that feeling when he doesn't know whats bothering you

-Talk to other boys
-He feels like you are to good for him
-He seems to think you will leave him for someone else

-It upset him so much and almost made him cry too
-Tries to make you laugh no matter what

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