What it's like dating them

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-Extremely loyal
-Will do anything you ask of him
-He swears he's going to marry you
-Loves taking you out to dinner
-He laughs at your jokes even when they aren't funny
-Cuddling all the time
-Writes you love notes to wake up to

-He was shy with you at first but eventually showed his mischievous side
-Loves peppering your face with kisses
-Doesn't like PDA but he must be touching you. Like holding pinkies
-You are the dominant one in the relationship
-He's telling you that "You're the one"

-Buy you expensive gifts
-He LOVES showing you off
-Buys you flowers once a week
-He is very strong on PDA and he needs to feel your skin against his all the time
-Once he falls, he falls hard
-His main goal is to make you proud of him
-Takes you on spontaneous dates

-He takes you on cute picnics down by the lake
-Drags you everywhere he's invited
-He was the one who wanted to wait a while before getting intimate in the bedroom
-Loves having you sit on his lap
-Will show up at your school just to say he loves you

-He was a bit hesitant with PDA at first but now he loves giving you kisses and holding you out in public
-Never fails to make you feel loved
-Very open with communication
-Your favorite past time thing to do together is to sit and read books

-Reminds you a million times a day that he loves you
-Will give you a back tickles until you fall asleep
-Has a thing for holding your hand in public
-Loves talking to you about Universities, especially about Yale
-Tries to braid your hair

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