chapter one

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"So, you did the soulmate quiz?"
Damian nodded his head.

"No, what I mean is- you did it?"
He nodded his head once again

"Okay I think you clearly don't understand the gravity of this situation dude."

"Jon you are clearly overreacting to this given situation."

"Oh- you mean I AM overreacting dude you did a soulmate quiz! I think someone said that those were Totally unnecessary and CRINGE!" Jon answered while throwing air quotes.

Damain scowled. "Yes, I do remember speaking that way. But then I got curious and from my knowledge curiosity does not kill a cat."

"Yeahhhhh- you completely make sense right now." Jon spoke sarcastically. He looked at Damian with 'I know this is not the reason' look and Damain back fires him with a 'I won't tell you even if you ask' look.

After a minute of silence (and a staring competition) Jon gives up.
"Ok tell me what's the real reason you called me."

"Finally." Damian smirks and gets his laptop from his table and making his way towards the bed.

He types something here and there and with a slide of his hand, the laptop was now facing Jon. The superboy gives a curious look to his friend and then kept his stare at the laptop screen with a screenshot of the quiz page.

He read each and every letter intensely and the wall clock in Damian's room made ticking sounds making the atmosphere calm.

"Uh-huh." Jon finally speaks and then looks at his friend with furrowed brows. Damian understands that now is the time to explain his friend what a catastrophic situation he was in.

"Miss Angelina Mosses. Age:17"

"Why are we talking about her." Jon cuts off Damian's speech.

"Don't cut me off, I've told you this couple of times, I don't like when someone talks in between, when I give information." He gives a small glare. To be honest he was still concerned about the situation he was in.

Jon just sighs and gestures him to speak. Damian clears his throat and starts.

"As I was saying, she is a snobby, rich brat. She is a horrible person with a bad attitude, she does not care for animals and she has a little group of handy-dandy sheeps who she likes to call 'her army of cupcakes'."

"Damian I still don't understand." Jon was scratching his head with pure confusion.

"I see you still lack brain cells."
"Let's get straight to the point. Her birthday was yesterday, 7th April. Her zodiac sign is Aries."

Jon nods his head along the way, as Damian explains his new found discovery.

"According to this website my zodiac sign is Sagittarius, the fire element." Damian pauses and then continues.

"When I played this game, they told me the most compatible for me is Aries."

"Wait a minute is this the reason why she has been a lot more talkative with you?" Jon gasps dramatically.(Damian thinks it is a reasonable reaction to his pathetic situation.)

Damian slowly nods. "I'm sure, she played it too. In fact it has been trending in our university since more than 4 couples are already in action." (Damian is disgusted by the language he has to use, while explaining all this stuff to Jon.)

"I see you did your homework." Jon accepts the small explanation and then crosses his arms, thinking of a solution.

"Wait, the girl- whatever her name was, is she like, you know more into your dating side or your marriage side?"

Damian tilts his head, not understanding the flow of the question.

"This information clearly say that my partner who is Aries is perfect for me to date."

Jon's eyes get wide and he floats with excitement.(yes-he floats quite literally)

"Damian! Check who is more compatible with you in marriage! Check Damian! Check!"

"If you could quite down, I will check it." Damian with a few clicks, suddenly stops and looks at Jon.


"Not now Damian-I know you are stressed but let's not talk about my project were I got an F."

"You foolish creature not your project, the sign. Zodiac sign Cancer."

Jon jumps and does his little dance of victory. "We just need to find someone- who is Cancer!"

Damian's eyes sparkle. Not with the thought of someone who will rescue him but getting away from that snobby brat!

"But Damian, there must be a lot of people with Cancer signs in our university."

Robin gives Jon an amused look.

"Please no, I hate this!"

"We have to work together and gather all the information of all the Cancer signs!"

Jon groans.

"Right now!"

Jon groans once again.

Fuck you Angelina Mosses.


Okay, so this was my first chapter! Phew-
Pretty small and crisp! That's what I was going for since this is going to be my first book after a break:)
A few points to be noted in this chapter:

-Damian was curious.(he gets curious once in a while!)
-Jon, is a helping hand and a partner in crime for Damian.
-YES, our Jon has a pet dog LEO, his breed is golden retriever<3
-This was just a little intro to how there small mission started!
-one more thing Marinette still hasn't joined Gotham university!(spoiler alert!!)

I think this much is enough for the first chapter!
Let me know if any mistakes!
Will update once in a week, who knows twice in a week too!
Depends on my mood lol^\\\^


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