chapter twenty seven

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The very next day, Gotham university was in chaos.

Everyone was gossiping around the school talking about Alya sleeping with the history professor. History professor was suspended and given tc. And as for Alya, she was not allowed in the university anymore. Although she was in Gotham but cannot attend the glamourised school, anymore.

Basically, what had happened was someone leaked a video of Alya and the history professor fucking. And it was on the Internet. (And no it was not Damain but one of the trollers.)

Nino felt betrayed and just like that he went to France back. The other boys stuck with adrien, Lila and the other girls. And nino wasn't happy about it at all. He talked to all of them saying how betrayed he feels that no one was accompanying him! And adrien just told nino, to keep his mouth shut and let the boys have some fun.

Since Alya had gone and nino also going away, liela was sad. Two of her biggest supporters went away. But it was fine! Adrien was still with her! And she can make Marinette and her baby Damian, suffer.


Adrien was hella jealous. He was jealous of how that Damian was with his princess 24/7. He was extremely angry. He wanted to fuck Marinette so bad, that she would forget to walk!  How could she press her hot body to his? How could she? She was always around him and he liked the attention- but now that she is with that boy he feels anger bubble inside him.

Marinette was always so oblivious and it turned him on. He was pretty sure she was doing this all because he was her ex.

So, he would also, make her jealous! And for doing that he needs to be with liela.


So, just like that in the lunch break- Lila and adrien went towards the couple's table and sat in front of them. The canteen was in whispers as everyone's attention was on there table. Waiting for the drama to brew.

Jon was absent today, as he was still recovering from sickness.(traumatised).

"So, Marinette- how is Gotham treating you?" Asked liela while faking her accent and showing off her boobs on the table. Liela was angry, but she needs to act sweet.(ew)

Liela was trying her best to catch Damian's attention while trying to strike conversations up with, Marinette.

Damian was busy admiring Marinette and was angry at these two bitches who arrived here.

Why were they even here?

"Good." Marinette replied with a cold face.

"So- you fucked anyone here?" Asked adrien while sipping his coffee. The question was sudden and it disgusted Marinette, to her core. He asked this question in such a tone, that the girls in the canteen were glaring at him.

Damain was in his alert mode and was about to say something but Marinette beat him into it.

"Actually yeah, Adrien you look at ,Damian here." She said while pointing her index finger towards her boyfriend.

"He fucked me really good. Like really really good. I was screaming, thrashing... his body is just like Greek god's oh my god, I was only moaning his name. He knows how to give pleasure and loves to hit my spots! Oh how I loved that night baby~!" She said as she touched Damian's bicep and went closer to him, nuzzling her head at his neck.

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