Final battle part 1

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"evy! Evy!"Rick says worried as he holds his wife as Alex runs over with tears. Femi/Mona glare ahed with tears. She gets up stalking towards the pyramid. As she enters there was a whooshing as a sand swirls around beside her before atem appears looking at his wife in worry "what happened my desert flower"he asked in ancient Egyptian.

"Anuck su namun killed evy Nefertiti's descendant"she says in ancient Egyptian before both get determined looks they were gonna end imhopet and anuck su namun once and for all as they Walk forward with anger. They watch from the shadows as imhopet and anuck su namun walk in deeper in the pyramid as they walk down the stone steps just as imhopet walks into the hieroglyph that was carved in the floor with gold in the floor. Atem raised his hand as imhopet screams when shadows burst out of the statues of Anubis as it takes his powers away as anuck su namun screams in fear before it stops as the two watch with glares.

Imhopet was breathing heavily as he looks at his hands when anuck su namun walks carefully over as she watches imhopet try to use his powers to move the scorpion King emblem but all it does is shake"the Great God anubis...has taken my powers it seems he wishes me to a mortal."he says in ancient Egyptian as the two were breathing heavily but he was wrong on how took his powers.

The curator was then shown walking through a dark corridor as he looks around before gasping looking down at the ground that was covered in scorpions as the skitter away as he holds his wrist out with the bracelet as they move back into a trench showing a stone bridge as he steps on it before looking up. In front of him was a gaint golden scorpion as he walks slowly to it. He sees the key hole before sliding up his sleeve showing the bracelet on his wrist before entering it slowly in the key hole before a switch sound was heard as the scorpion statue turns gold as it traveled all over the inside of the pyramid as torches lit by them selfs.

Rick was shown slowly walking through the corridor heading in the same direction the curator did as the walls all of sudden turn gold as the torches light them selfs as he looks around before heading forward.

Outside Alex and Jonathan were with evy as a large shadow glides over them and up the pyramid as the diamond flashes. Soon a gaint shadow of a Scorpion glides over the desert at a distance in front of all the tribes as they stop as well aderth was shown "so it begins"he says in Arabic.

Alex was shown crying as he couldn't believe his mother was dead."try thinking of it this way Alex she's gone to a better place you know like it says in the good book."Johnathan says holding the golden stick in his hand. Alex eyes then widen "the book that's it that's it come on uncle Jon!"he says getting up making Johnathan confused "that's what?"he asked as Alex pulls him up before they were running off to the pyramid.

The curator was shown grunting as he was trying to get his arm out before Rick slowly walks in"your to late O'Connell I have released the army of Anubis"he says with a smile.

Rick throws his torch down before grabbing a weapon from the statue of Anubis in front of him."lord imhopet shall soon kill the scorpion king and take command"the curator says with glee.

"Not after I get through with him"Rick says with anger as the curator laughs before screaming in pain as there was a crunching sound as Rick stands on guard as the curator screams in pain before removing his arm showing nothing but bone and shredded skin.

Imhopet and anuck su namun where shown walking towards a golden stone entrance to a flames roar constantly as they are in front of where the scorpion lays asleep soon to be re awakened. Imhopet slides off his robe"I must face the scorpion king alone."he says in ancient Egyptian.

"No you must not without your powers he will kill you"anuck su namun says shaking her head as she points to the tomb.

"Nothing can stop me"he says in ancient Egyptian as she grabs the black book of the dead"it is out destiny!"he says in ancient Egyptian as anuck su namun grabs the book"niy!"she says grabbing the book sitting it down before turning to imohtep as she gently grabs his face"I don't want to loose you again"she says in ancient Egyptian as they soon share a passionate kiss before imhopet pulls away and runs into the romb as she grabs the arch of the entrance"niy! Niy!"she says as she cried out to them.

Femi/moan watches from the shadows with a glare before turning to atem"wait in the shadows of the tomb and we both will end this but for I want to get revenge for evy/Nefertiti"she days in ancient Egyptian ad atem nods his head before disappearing into the shadows.

Jonathan was shown carrying Evy's body as Alex leads the way holding a burning torch."you realize, of course, that this can only be done by someone who can actually read ancient Egyptian. I don't know about you but I'm a Dead Rusty now where"Jonathan says as the come up to a wall with hieroglyphics Alex silently read them be pointing in the direction they needed to go"we go right"he says.

"How do you know"Johnathan asked as Alex holds the torch up to the hieroglyphics"kasheesh osirian Nye"he reads before looking up at his uncle "basically this way to The scorpion King" mum taught me"he says before heading right as Johnathan nod his head before following his nephew.

Back to he commanders and the tribes the shadow over the sand turned black it settles until it was flat before soon large bubbles slowly rise out of it before slowly forming into the army of Anubis which was jackel warriors as they growl waiting.

Anuck su namun was shown waiting before Jonathan is heard clearing his throat behind her as she turns around "it's time someone taught you a listen wench come on"he says before his eyes widen looking behind anuck su namun who turns around confused before screaming in pain as she was smacked in the face with the book of the dead as it cut her deep as Femi/Mona glares at her.

"Here you know what to do with this"she says an ancient Egyptian as she hands it to Alex who was hiding ready to sneak off with it. She over heard there idea.

"Thank you"Alex says before takeing the book as he and Jonathan rush off. Femi/Mona turns her attention back to anuck su namun with a cold look. She summons her sias as she twirls them slowly "I went easy on you the last time we met this time I will make you suffer"she says in ancient Egyptian as she gets into a fight stance as anuck su namun glares at her with a heavily bleeding cheek as she then grabs a pair of sias from the statue beside her as she twirls them before getting into a fight stance as well before both let out battle cry's as they charge at each other.

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