untitled chapter

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This is gonna be weird so for clarity.

Main Ben is Prime

Time Heals Ben is Time for sake of keeping track of what to call this Ben.

Ben 10 Time's POV

'Kill me.'


I float here suspended by chains, in pieces, I don't even know what's left, I don't know how I'm alive. Charmcaster had the mercy of using magic to speak to his brain so she could tell him exactly what twisted shit she was doing.

How am I thinking with so much of my brain missing?

Everything but my left arm and the nerves connecting it to the Omnitrix was surgically removed.

The Plumbers flagged the planet as a quarantine level 9 meaning even Vilgax wouldn't go here. Humanity was locked here and being marched to their deaths.

The fact Charmcaster couldn't get something that could take it off would be a comfort. But it also meant this wouldn't save him from leaving this damn place.

'I should have hacked this damn thing. What's the difference if Azmuth is pissed off at me or not?

*beep beep beep* *beep beep beep*

The smack and the mind probe from her royal pain in the ass had been his last human contact in months. Or was it years. It felt like a long time.

Honestly Ben never gave a shit about time but he always seem to know it exactly. At least a weird bonus to the Omnitrix he had a built in clock.

"Who is breaking my cities?!" His jailer shouted.

Ben wish he could have glared. Wished he could talk.

He swore if God would let him die he'd be an angel doing whatever he had to.

he'd never spend a second putting video games before being a hero.

He'd swear off sumo slammers.

He'd give anything for a freedom from this place.

Gwen 10

"The age of the Goddess of Mankind is inev-" a video said as the entirety of Bellwood City was either leveled or used to pack thousands of people in a massive jail for the sacrifice.

"Welcome to the nuclear age." ATMX said flicking a finger and a bead of the green energy flying into the jumbo screen.

"GET FUCKED!" Gwen shouted as a massive ball of mana and ice hit a group of stone monsters.

The stone monsters crumbled and Gwen held out her hand pulling the magic in them out.

"This tastes familiar." Gwen said "I can tell Charmcaster didn't just outright execute me."

"Yes, because she'd even be able to." ATMX said sarcastically.

"How you doing on power? You've been ATMX for a while." Gwen said.

"I'm not even tired." ATMX said "It's...exhilarating honestly. Like I'm swimming in a ocean of whatever this green energy is."

"What exactly is going on with this guy?" Gwen asked as they walked.

"Atomix was something Azmuth unlocked when Ben and Skurd were fighting Malware." ATMX said "The guy was a beast of an alien and the problem with him he burned whatever the energy was fast. Like an atom bomb. NRG is a walking reactor so mixing Atomics always was something I thought I'd have done if shurd and Ben weren't at each other's throat."

"So exactly what is up with Skurd?" Gwen asked.

"Gone. Ben and Skurd are...transformed." ATMX said slamming a fist to his own chest "From how I understand it Skurd had only 2 DNA available when the software activated, Ben and Atomics. So when Ben turned into NRG-"

"Skurd created a fusion like when we were kids." Gwen said.

"Yes. And it is...glorious." ATMX said taking a deep breath.

A notification appeared in hologram on the Omnitrix.

"You have been transformed for: 8 hours and 38 minutes. Would you like to turn back?"

ATMX had pressed NO and the red light turned green.

"Whoever made that...Спасибо." ATMX said.

Approaching an alter Gwen gasped.

Approaching an alter Gwen gasped

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"Kevin?!" Gwen shouted.

On the alter, hooked to machinery and occult items was Kevin and Michael Morningstar being used to drain the life out of people who were then walked into a mass grave.



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