Ch.2 The Box

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(Y/n pov)

      Everything is dark. All I remember is everything being dark I can't remember anything else. I wake up to a loud sound feeling like I'm going up. I open my eyes and look around I see food water clothes and some other things. I go to stand up and I hear this really loud and annoying siren go off. I fall back down to the floor when the thing I was in stopped. I look up and see a bright light come from above me and with that, I passed out.

(Newts pov)

I was getting ready to go down into the box to get our new greenie when I heard everybody go silent and after a little bit of Silence, gladers start whispering towards each other.
Gally walks over to me and said "Newt you're going to want to see this."
Gally and Alby open the box all the way I jump down and move the hair out of the new greenies face I look at them in shock. I look up at all the gladers and say
"It's a girl."  I look back down at her so I can pick her up to get her out of the box. I get her out of the box and take her to the med-jack.
"Jeff you have someone new..... It's a girl.". Jeff turns around and looks at her in my arms and says "Lay her on the bed and what's that on her wrist?". I look down at her wrist after I put her on the bed. "It's a bracelet and it looks familiar to me. It's also very pretty."
Not as pretty as her I think to myself looking at her. " hopefully she wakes up by tonight cuz of the bonfire. It's going to be amazing with her there tonight." I say happily "Well I got to get set up for the bonfire. I'll come to check on her in a little bit ok Jeff." Both I and Jeff leave the room to let her rest. We walk separate ways.

(Y/n pov)

I wake up with a gasp I look around and I have a very bad headache " Where am I." I say in a crappy voice.
I hear a British accent coming closer to the room I'm in. I get up as fast as I can but then I fall immediately after I get up so I crawl as fast as I can to the opposite side of the room and try to find a weapon of some sort. I find a knife on a table.
The British boy walks in and says "Let's see how she is doing." He walks in looking at the ground. When he gets to the bed he looks up and says
"what in the bloody hell, where did she go?" Then he turns around facing towards me and says
"Whoa, Whoa put the knife down, princess."
"Why should I."
"Well, I'm not here to hurt you I'm just here to check on you and see how you were doing since you came out of the box." You look at him confused.
"Your new. the box is what you came up in and now you hear I'll show you around before the bonfire."
"Why are you helping me?" I asked confused
"Well, if you want to know I'll show you... just put the knife down." I slowly put it back on the table and went to sit back on the bed.
When I did sit back on the bed the British boy sits down beside me.

"I have a question for you princess," he says softly
"What's your question?"
"Do you remember your name?" I look at him and think then I start to panic tears well up in my eyes and start flowing down my cheeks. "Why don't I know my name I don't remember anything w...." He cuts me off and says
"calm down princess it will all come back to you in 1 or 2 days well your name that's all they will let you keep." He pulls me into a hug and stands up.
"My name is Newt. I'll call you greenie or princess it's up to you."
"You can call me either it doesn't matter to me." I fack a smile
"Ok princess, but you don't have to fack a smile." I look at him confused "How did you know?" "I just do." He smiles looking down at me.

He takes me out of the room I was in and walks me over to the box
"This is the box. This is also where we get our food supply water tools clothing and new greenies like you."
I smile
"There you go already making my day better huh princess." Newt laughs slightly. I blush.
We walk over to Watchtower "This is the Watchtower it is obvious what the Watchtower is used for."
He giggled he takes me to med-jack
"This is where we just were when you woke up it is like a doctor's tent. It for now is run by Jeff you will meet him later."
Then he shows me around and leaves my thoughts the rest of the tour was why is he so cute. Why do I adore
his accent so much. Why is he so attractive? He seems to have a good personality. But changing that subject when I woke up in my pocket there was a note that said the bracelet is from somebody very important to me before the maze I guess and that when I came up the box so tonight at the bonfire I have to go tell Newt about and I got to tell him that I found this note in my pocket and that today is my birthday.

(Newts pov)

"Gally she woke up so that's good and shes kinda cute."
I said when prepping for the bonfire tonight.
"No shuck.. She's a girl." Gally says to me.
"She's bloody amazing"
"She's just a girl." I was not happy with those words.
"She's not just a girl gally she's something better than just a girl she's bloody amazing perfect at that so don't say she's just a girl she's way more than that." I say madly.

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