Ch.4 The Name

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(Y/n pov)

After Newt lays down I face the wall thinking about why I asked him to stay with me. I do like his company so that might be it "Maybe" I say out loud on accident.
"Maybe what?" I blush not knowing what to say.
"I.....I'm just thinking" I sit up and face Newt.
"You know, you have been thinking of that thing that's important to you a lot, you can tell me I won't tell anyone and I'll help you out with it." I don't want to tell him he's so bloody cute so I make up a lie.
"It's my name. I don't know what it is and I want to." I say nervously.
" Princess.." He says in says in a soft whisper. I look up at him as he sat up. He pulls the hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear and said
"You don't have to lie to me and you don't have to tell me the truth but I will find out the truth soon." He says still in a soft whisper. I blush*

Newt hugs me and we sit there for a long time talking about the stupidest things that have happened to the boys who were in the Glade "Yeah." He starts to laugh harder and says
"When Gally was a greenie we all decided hey we are going to chill for a while just to get to know the new greenie we walked over to him to get to know him at the bonfire and we started playing around to see what would happen so we were asking stuff like where did you come from why are you here what's your name how old are you he's he looks dead at all of us and a complete circle and says what's going on and starts crying like a legitimate baby we all looked at each other laugh for a little bit and says hey hey calm down you won't remember anything all you remember is your name and your age and he starts crying even more and then I decided hey that's enough we can stop playing around with him now." Newt dies of laughter
I laugh and fall back on the bed and to make it more funny Newt forgot he was facing the wall he falls back thinking he was going to call on the bed boy I died when this happened he fell off the bed and laughed even more. I help him up to get him back on the bed. I lay down still giggling now and then. I wrap my arms around a pillow Newt notices and said
"Why are you using a pillow I'm right here?" I look at him blushing but it was dark so he could not tell so I let go of the pillow and put my arms around him and put my head on his chest. His heart is racing I wonder why? I know mine is but why is his? I feel his arms go around me. I fall asleep after a little bit.

(Newts pov)

Oh my, she is bloody adorable when she's asleep well all the time. I like the small accent it fits her. But what was that thing she was keeping from everyone? She's my age now and she's a little bit shorter than me I think it's bloody adorable and perfect, to be honest. I know she's asleep now. I kiss the top of her head. And start to fall asleep

It's morning already oh my gosh. I get up to let the runners get to the maze with all the food they need.

(Y/n's pov)

I wake up to Newt leaving it's been 30 minutes since he left he doesn't know I'm awake so if he comes back imma ask him what he was doing cuz I'm nosey.

Newt walks back into the room and comes over to the side of the bed im still laying down he takes his shoes off and lays back down next to me I'm facing the wall.
"Good morning princess. I know you're awake. "How did he know
"I had to take the runners their stuff so they can do their jobs." He smiles.

"Oh yeah, what's your name princess?" He asked curiously.
"You know I don't know NAME! BLOODY HELL I KNOW MY NAME!" I breathe for a second I'm so happy oh my gosh.
" What is it, princess?"
"It's y/n... That my name was in my dream nice to know." "It's a pretty name princess"
"Thank you Newt."
I hug Newt tight
"I'm so happy I could kiss you," I say out of nowhere to Newt I hear his heart start to race, mine did too and my face ran hot and red.
"I did not mean it I..." Newt interrupts me
"It's ok princess why was that the first thing you said though?". He looks at me
"I..don't know" I'm at a loss for words now

So we sit there just thinking and Newt says
"Hey, now that your name thing is cleared up I can find out what you need help with."
"I'm not telling you yet Newt."
"What why not, that's bloody crazy." He says curiously
"I will tell you just not right now ok Newt."
"Fine but it's still bloody crazy."
I giggle and get up for breakfast
I let Newt lead the way so I can meet Frypan and get my food to sit with him
"Frypan, meet y/n, y/n meet Frypan she's our new greenie"
"Nice to meet a pretty girl like you y/n" he smiles
"Nice to meet you to frypan and thank you a lot of you guys are sweet" He looks at me then at Newt and says
"She has the accent like you " me and Newt laugh
"Yes frypan she does". We go to our table with all the others when I see a short boy walk by
"Newt who's the kid," I ask confused
"His name is Chuck he's probably going to be your favorite"
Alby comes over and Newt says "Hey Alby she knows her name and I was right it fits her its y/n"
Newt stands to his feet and yells " Hey everyone the new greenies face her name is Y/n"
They all go silent and then start cheering and chanting my name.

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