Story 32 - Ending life

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Carla had a hard life. She was born into a poor family and never had the same opportunities as other kids her age. She was constantly teased at school and felt like she had no one to turn to.

One day, out of desperation, Carla decided to take her own life. She had been feeling hopeless and alone for so long, and she felt that suicide was the only way out.

Carla wrote a suicide note, explaining her reasons for taking her own life, and then she walked to the beach. She stood on the shore and looked out at the horizon as the sun began to set.

Carla closed her eyes and jumped into the water. The cold water felt soothing, and she felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

Carla's body was found the next day by a passerby. Her note was found in her pocket, and people began to understand why she had done what she did.

Carla's story shows how fast a life can end when the person is so strongly stressed, that they think the only way out of their problems in life is by killing themselves.

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