Story 44 - 4th wall break

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Once upon a time, there was a happy little family of four living in a small cottage on the edge of town. But life was not easy for the family, as money was always tight. The father, in particular, was struggling to make enough to provide for everyone.

One day as the family was going through yet another tough financial situation, something curious happened. With no one else around, the 4th wall of their cottage suddenly broke open, revealing a voice on the other side.

The voice spoke and said, 'I gave you this family and the house, and I can take it away just as quickly. If you would like to keep it, you need to find a way to make enough money to provide for everyone.'

The family was shocked but quickly realized the only way to keep their home was to take the challenge. So they all worked together and pooled their resources. After a lot of hard work and determination, they were eventually able to make enough money through hard work and wise investments to keep their home and provide for everyone.

The family was very grateful, and they took it as a sign that someone out there cared about them. They realized that the 4th wall breaking wasn't a punishment but rather a reminder to never give up and never stop trying to make their lives better.

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