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[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on January 25, 2017, 21:32:06

The next day, when I woke up, we were about to take a flight back to our country. Pei Hao talked to me as if nothing had happened the day before. He helped me pack my luggage and assisted me to the breakfast table. The six of us had our final buffet breakfast at the hotel. After getting my cast, I was like a disabled person, and Pei Hao seemed to think that not only was my leg injured, but my hands were also broken. He not only got the food for me but also fed me bite by bite.

When my mother left, he also fed me like this. During that time, I thought he was a warm light in my shattered life, carrying a touch of warmth. I believed that one day he could illuminate the obscure corners of my heart and disperse the loneliness that had accumulated over the years in my flesh and blood.

But things changed, and after going through a long journey, I found myself back where I started. I realized that warmth is something I can give myself, and I have to be my own light to stand tall and eternal.

I certainly wouldn't be swayed by his tempting tricks anymore, whether they were sincere or fake. For me now, it didn't matter.

I pushed away the food he offered and said, "Stop feeding me, I have hands."

"Then eat this bite," Pei Hao said, putting another spoonful of food into my mouth. After that, he peeled a boiled egg and put it in my bowl, saying, "Remember to eat this egg too; it's nutritious."

D's girlfriend sighed to D, "Learn from them. Look, even after five years, they're still so affectionate. That's true love!"

I couldn't respond to that, so I just awkwardly smiled and remained silent. Only the heavens knew how many couples looked affectionate on the surface but had corroded feelings hidden behind the scenes, completely eroded away.

"Can you stay together for five years without being affectionate?" D followed up on his girlfriend's words and imitated Pei Hao by peeling a boiled egg for his girlfriend.

"Cough, can us single dogs only eat dog food?" Egg Brother turned to look at Fu Yan, pretended to be deeply affectionate, and said, "Come on, Yan Yan, I'll peel an egg for you too, no, let's peel two. Let them be jealous."

Everyone laughed at that.

The 6-day trip quickly came to an end. There were planned moments of happiness and unexpected mishaps. Sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy experiences were all part of life's original nature.

As the plane landed, everyone went their separate ways. If every journey could end with such a comedy, that would be ideal.

Pei Hao hailed a taxi to take me home. We arrived at my place at 5 PM. After the long journey, everyone was tired. I suggested ordering takeout, but he declined, saying that he wanted to cook for me personally. After saying that, he went to the market with great enthusiasm.

Pei Hao rarely cooked. He could only make a few dishes. He was busy in the kitchen, while I sat in the living room watching a boring TV show. I felt a bit sentimental. If it were a month ago, or even a week ago, him being so busy for me would probably make me dream sweet dreams at night. But now, I just wanted to finish eating quickly and find a quiet place to sleep.

That day, he cooked five or six dishes, some of which I liked, and some that he said were good for bone recovery. He picked up food for me with chopsticks and talked about many things: the trip, our university basketball team, and his work. Previously, I would be the one chattering away while he listened. Today, the roles were reversed. It made me realize that maybe he didn't talk much not because he wasn't used to it, but because he didn't want to.

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