xᴉs ɐɹʇxǝ

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On a summer evening, as the twilight approached, the known birds chirped in the trees. Mo Xi stepped out of the library, looked up at the starry night sky, felt the cool breeze brushing his ears, and found himself in an unusually good mood.

It was his last day working at the library. Last week, he secured a regular internship at a gaming company. The pay was decent, although it might be tiring. Nonetheless, if he saved some money, it could help cover his future tuition fees.

Not long ago, Da Bai called again, asking to borrow money from him. He declined this time.

Honestly, sometimes he would wonder if Da Bai was lying to him. Despite always boasting about his wonderful boyfriend, he had never posted even a single photo of him on social media.

But Mo Xi had asked people around Da Bai, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about his life. He did go on dates frequently. Upon further consideration, Da Bai had no reason to lie. Where else would he get so much money from?

Mo Xi thought that when he received his first paycheck, he would buy a gift for Da Bai and send it to him.

Back home in the evening, Mo Xi opened his phone and found his friends' circle flooded with posts about Fu Yan's wedding. He had deleted Pei Hao's WeChat, but he still had the WeChat of Pei Hao's friends.

Accidentally, his finger tapped on a photo. Fu Yan and the bride stood joyfully in the middle, with Pei Hao and a few groomsmen standing on the left, and the bride's bridesmaids on the right. The bride was the beautiful girl he had met at the breakfast shop, and she looked stunning in her wedding gown.

Truly, she was the one Fu Yan liked. And the handsome Fu Yan standing next to the bride was the one Pei Hao liked.

In the following photo, there was a group picture of three groomsmen. Pei Hao, dressed smartly in a deep blue suit, stood in the middle. His hair was neatly combed, accentuating his sharp facial features. He looked really handsome.

As Mo Xi scrolled thviolent the photos, everyone was smiling, except Pei Hao who maintained an expressionless face from start to finish.

Well, that's him. He hardly smiled in general. At Fu Yan's wedding, he probably wouldn't be able to muster a smile either.

Mo Xi absentmindedly liked a post by Shunshou Dange in his friends' circle, then closed his phone, not thinking much more about it.

Little did he know that this would be the most dashing moment of Pei Hao in the next few years.

At Fu Yan's wedding, during the evening banquet, the bride changed into a dark-colored fishtail evening gown, revealing her graceful figure. The theme of the banquet was "Starry Sky," and the space above was filled with countless sparkling lights, resembling a brilliant starry sky.

The band nearby was playing piano melodies, and everyone sat in their seats, awaiting the food. Egg Brother sat next to Pei Hao, engrossed in his phone. Pei Hao, bored, leaned over to take a look and caught a glimpse of the profile picture Egg Brother always used on WeChat.

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