🖤Stop sighing🖤

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It's Monday and it's been a very emotional day for Elly. Today she's not the bubbly, shes keeping to herself and it's making me feel alone and sad. All this started on the weekend, she wouldn't let me even cuddle her, on Sunday I slept in the guest room because every little thing I did was annoying her, from the way I breathed to the way I was laying down. I'm not saying it's annoying but I just miss my wife.

I went upstairs where she is. I knocked on the door and she answered with a loud "WHAT". I wanted to go away but shit, I miss her. I opened the door and there she was the bed full of food and drinks.
You: what do you want
Me: you should eat healthy ma
You: don't tell me-
Me: baby I miss you soo much
I said laying next to her. She has a smile on her face but it soon went away when she kissed me.
You: your cologne it's making me wanna throw up go take a hot shower
Me: I thought you loved it
You: now please
End of pov

I watched him go to take a shower and tbh I really wasn't feeling it, I didn't want him near me at all. I don't understand why but I just don't.
As I was looking for the m&m stuck in between my boobs he walk out.... Naked.
You: ohh
Me: what I'm getting dressed don't worry
He said putting on some shorts and a shirt. He laid next to me without touching or even looking at me.
You: *cry* why are you doing this to me
He looked at me and he looked so worried.
Enzo: wooow what's wrong, what did I do
You: you ignored me
Enzo: baby I thought you said you don't want me close to you
You: ya but now I do
I hugged him and he sighed rubbing my back.
You: stop sighing
Enzo: Look at me lil girl
He said pulling away and I looked at him. He rubbed my tears away and kissed me
Enzo: you're confusing me baby I don't know what to do anymore, what me to leave?
You: no please stay
Enzo: do you want cuddles?
You: *nod*
Enzo: words
You: yes please
He laid down and pulled me closer to him and spooned me. I felt him unclipping my bra and his hands went to touch them immediately. It felt so relaxing my eyes started getting heavy.

Enzos pov
I wanted to say something but she was already snoring. This is a third nap of the day. I love seeing her sleeping. I rubbed her belly feeling for any kicks but I guess they were sleeping. I looked at my phone and it was already 3pm I wanted to take her out today but I guess I'll have to cancel the plans. I heard her whimper as she set on the bed.
Me: what's wrong sweet heart
You: My back is hurting so fucking much
I put my hand behind her and massaged it softly. I could see it was bothering her so much I knew she just wanted to sleep but she couldn't
Me: wanna go for a walk maybe
You: ya let's try that but I'm not changing
Me: ok let's go

I helped her to stand up and she ran to the bathroom. I followed behind her and she was throwing up in the toilet I hated seeing her like this. I rubbed her back and she started crying.
You: I feel like they're punishing me for bringing them in this world, fuck it hurts
I went on my knees and kissed her cheek
Me: I know baby they'll be out soon ok
She continued to throw up and she was squeezing my hand. After she was done I helped her clean up.

I took my keys and she was waiting for me patiently
You: Donna texted me it's been so long since I heard from them
Me: she's at her home just waiting to give birth, what did she say
You: she said that youu won't talk to her
Me:..... I do talk to her
You: one word response you call that chatting... Enzo she's your daughter for fuck sake all she wants is some love and support from her father enzooo
You: is that what you're gonna do to our son or daughter when they mess up huh
Enzo: Elly-
You: answer my question
Enzo: ok ok fine I'll start talking to her
You: *sigh* she sounded so hurt you know
Enzo: I'll call her after we come back
You: good
She hugged me and wouldn't let go.
You: let's go *gasp* can we go for a ride ruther than walking.
Me: *smile* but we're taking the old one buttt we're not going fast you hear me
You: but it's moreee funnn *whimper*
You: they want to go very fast they said
Me: nope baby I'm not gonna say it again now come on

She whimpered and followed me, we went to the garage and open it. She was smiling showing her teeth and those cute dimples.
Me: ok here put this on
I handed her the helmet and she looked at me.
You: help *whisper*
My souls was jumping up and down I love when she does that, ask me for help when she knows she can do it herself it makes me feel like a man. I moved her hair out of the way and helped her put it on. The whole time she was looking in my eyes
Me: your eyes are dangerous
I said slapping her ass I heard her giggle. I rolled the bike out the garage and onto the driveway. She followed and handed me her phone.
Me: don't have away where to put it, leave it
You: mhm ok
She put the phone in the garage on the shelf full of things.

We decided to go and she had her head on my back.
Me: what's wrong
I said into the intercom
You: nothing just thinking
She wrapped her hands even tighter around me. We went around the neighbours, I felt her hands go under my shirt. She squeezed my nipples and flicked them
Me: *laugh* STopp baby stopppp
You: don't scream in my ear boy, I'm getting cold can we go home now
I could hear her smile from her voice
Me: doesn't sound like it
You: please
Her hand lowered down to my dick. I stopped her before she could grab it.
You: sirrr hands on the steering
I put my hands back

End of chapter see you next time

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