❤️No more babies❤️

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Doc: ok it's time now
I looked at Elly and she was sweating and in pain, I don't know how much pain but I could only imagine how painful it would be if I had to push a whole baby out of my pee hole. I would die.
You: can I push n-now
Doc: NO NO not now
The doctor leaned in and spoke to her
Nurse: he's trying to make sure that you won't have so many tires
You:.... I don't care I need them out
Doc: ok Ms Sterling I need you're now 10cm dilated so I need to to start pushing I'll count until 10 then you stop
You: ok *cry*
I held her hand and Donna was behind the doctor watching everything
Doc: ok start pushing
Doc: 1....2........3......4......5......6....7.....8.....9....10
Doc: stop
Doc: this next one push for three second
Doc: push
She continued pushing as the doctor, I leaned in and kissed her
You: i can't do this Enzo
Enzo: yes you can and you will
You: *cry*
Enzo: remember you promised me another one
You: fuck you Enzo, no more babies *cry*
Enzo: *chuckle*
Doc: now one big last push 

After she stopped I heard a baby crying gosh it was loud
Doc: there we goo a healthy baby....girl
Enzo: told you *chuckle*
I felt my heart beating so fast, I couldn't imagine it, I wanted to hold her so bad but the other nurse took her away all I could hear were cries and they were very loud, it made my heart calm down
Doc: ok mom you have one last time

I pushed as the doctor said but it felt like it was never gonna end.
I looked at Donna and she was so focused like she was taking notes
Doc: ok stop stop
I looked at the doctor and he looked so nervous and the nurse that was holding my leg up turned to look
Doc: can everyone leave the room please
Enzo: what's going on
Nurse: please can you all leave the room please
Donna: why what's going on
Doc: nurse
You: what's happening AHHH
Doc: no no stop pushing maam
I tried to look down but I couldn't I felt so weak and light headed
Doc: I need you to go on your knees maam
They helped me on my knees and Enzo was rubbing my back trying to take my mind off off everything
Doc: ok I need you to push when you feel like pushing ok
I pushed one last time and it was big. I felt everything gushing out it felt like blood so I looked down and it was blood a lot of blood.
Doc: now you can sit back down help her please
The room was full with nurses and just me and Enzo.

You: what's happening enzo im scared
Doc: everything is fine but with twins is commem for you to lose this much blood, I didn't want them to be scared (not true idk, it just sounded scary lol)
You: I feel light headed
Doc: don't worry we'll put you on fluids right away and get you food.
Doc: my job here is done congratulations two healthy baby girls
You: thank you so much *cry*
Enzo: oh my baby girl you did it, I'm so proud of you
He cupped my chicks and I cried even louder like a baby.
Enzo: thank you so much my love
You: *cries* I'm a mom now
Enzo: yes a good mom *sniff*
He kissed me and I felt extremely sleepy but I soon heard my babies cry
Nurse: congratulations Ms sterling here you go
They help me sit up and she showed me how to Breast feed them.

After an hour of them cleaning me and making sure I was good they finally let everyone back in.
Donna: Elly awww I was scared I hope they said you're fine
You: ya I'm fine just hungry
Aaron: congratulations on baby???
You: baby girls
Donna: OMGGG girllsss
You: *laugh* yup
Aaron: me and Donna can get you food then uou can rest until we come back
You: please do a lot of food and a lot of meattt please
Aaron: *laugh* no problem
Aaron: we'll be back soon

Enzo: thank you
Aaron: anytime
I looked at Enzo and he looked so worried
You: what's wrong
Enzo: I was so scared I thought I was gonna lose you Elly *sniff*
You: I know I'm still here right
Enzo: yes
You: now come and hold them
He set next to me and I removed one of them from my breast and she whimpered and it was the most cutest thing ever

Enzo: my babygirl you're so tiny
I kissed her cheek and she smiled, her hand was so tiny. I couldn't stop smiling, she tried to open her eyes but i guess it was too much for her and then she stopped.
You: here take them I need to sleep
Enzo: what am I supposed to do if they wake up
You: you wake me up duh
I held them in my hands and rocked them in my arms.
Enzo: gosh they're so pretty just like their mother
You: *blush*
I walked to the door and back they were sleeping so peacefully but I didn't wanna put them down. I kissed their cheeks and they whimpered and started crying
Enzo: ahh snap, shhh
I rock them again and slowly they stopped. I looked at Elly hoping she didn't hear that and she was sleeping.

The nurse came in and woke Elly up I wanted to slap the shit out of her.
Enzo: can't this wait
Doc: I'm sorry I can't I have to check for bleeding
Elly: ok *sigh*
She set on the chair and pressed down on her stomach and I knew it hurt like hell
Elly: auu auuu
Doc: it's fine but you need to start walking and go to bathroom but not now
Elly: ok
The babies started crying, I felt so bad cuz I knew she wanted to sleep.
Elly: I have to feed them now
I handed them to her and she put them on the breasts
Enzo: so which one is Nakiya
Elly: *giggle* this one and this is Rumani
Enzo: how are we gonna tell them apart
Elly: come look, this one has a dimple and this one doesn't
Enzo: gosh you're gonna be a good mom
Elly: stopppp *blush*
Enzo: it's the truth
I heard a knock at the door and it was Aaron and Donna and they were carrying bags of food

Aaron: where are the girls
You: drinking their milk 
Aaron: I'm not sure I should be in here while you're breastfeeding
You: it's fine don't worry food please
Donna: there you go
You: thank you so much
I watched her eating her food and she looked so pretty. She made sure not to drop the babies. Me seeing her with the babies made me fall for her ten times more.
Aaron: um Elly I'm not gonna stay for long I have um business to take care of but I'll drop by tomorrow and check in
You: it's fine Aaron thanks for the food
When he went out Elly immediately looked at me
You: Donna can you give us a moment please
Donna: ya sure no problem

You: what the fuck did you do
Enzo: Elly I don't know what you're talking about
You: don't start lying Enzo I'm not a lil girl I'm 23 don't piss me off we both know what "business to take care of" means
Enzo: nothing I didn't do anything babe calm down
You: if I hear that someone is dead or missing I swear on my whole life I'll turn you in
Enzo: can you give me a smile now
I watched her smile but I hated myself for lying.

End of chapter see you next chapter 😉

😈My friends dad😈|| BOOK 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt