Part 17

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I snapped out of my thoughts, my eyes still empty and confused.


I was still staring at my hands, wondering if I was hearing voices again.

I shifted my eyes a bit to look at the bottom of the stairs and saw nobody. Everyone had left. So who is standing in front of me?

I looked up slowly, but I couldn't quite make out who was standing there. My eyes involuntarily blurred and I got lightheaded.

This feeling that I dread so much. That same feeling I've hated for years. I forgot about it until now. What is it?

Sadness? Loneliness? Pure rage?


It's emptiness, isn't it?

I spaced out again, but I don't want to snap out of it. Is it normal to be aware that you're spaced out and still be that way? Is that even possible?

I got picked up and was being carried somewhere. At this point, I don't care. Just take me to wherever you want to go.

Anywhere but here.

I don't remember falling asleep. But I believe I'm asleep right now.

"Yes, go ahead and take her."

Who's that? Ms. Chen? No, it can't be. I'm upstairs on the hallway floor. Ms. Chen isn't allowed to leave her office.

Oh. I'm being carried again. I should probably wake up, but I don't feel like it.

Just let me stay this way.. for a little.... bit... longer.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I saw a boy sitting next to me, asleep.

Where am I? I thought to myself, too tired to see clearly.

I looked up past the boy and saw a car window.

I'm in a moving car? To where?

Do I care where?

No, I don't.

I'm still tired, so I'm going back to sleep.

/ "Vivian. Vivian, wake up darling."

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light shining on my face.

I groaned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep away.

"Hm? Who's that?"

There was a soft giggle before I heard quiet footsteps walk towards the window where that blinding light was coming from.

She shut the curtains a bit and smiled at me.

"Silly girl.."

My eyes widened in shock and I practically stood up from the bed.


She smiled at me and walked over, brushing my hair with her hands.

"Of course, darling, who else would it be?"

She laughed again as she messed with my hair.

"I'm making breakfast, it's your favorite. Are you hungry?"

I hesitated.


She nodded and walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen with the white gas stove, and the small beat-up island that we used as a table.

She put a plate of food in front of me, and handed me a fork, smiling.

"Eat, Vivian, you slept in today, you must be hungry."

I slowly nodded as tears formed in my eyes, quickly rushing down my now rosy face.

I took a bite out of the food and the tears started coming down faster.

I couldn't even form words. I was speechless.

I could only repeat over and over in my mind, 'Mom. Mom. Mom? Mom.'.

Am I losing my damn mind?

I looked up to see her again, as I was chewing, and she was smiling at me, with the kindest eyes I've ever seen.

A small smile formed on my face and I looked back down at my plate.

"Mom. I-"

"Enjoying your food, Vivian?"

I paused. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to think.

I choked on the bite of food that was in my mouth and slowly, but painfully put my head up.

What the fuck is that.

My mother was decomposing and rotten. Like she had been dead for years.

Her voice was distorted and started a cold sweat on my forehead.

her face started fazing back and forth.

"Enjoying your food, Vivian?"

I widened my eyes in absolute terror.


Mother's smile got wider and more distorted as her face morphed into my father's.

"Enjoying your food, Vivian?"

I looked down at the plate to see a bunch of rotten-looking potatoes covered in what looked like a thick oil.

My throat started closing up and I couldn't breathe.

I reached my hands up, trying to grab my throat as he put his hands over mine.

He squeezed harshly, making it even harder for me to breathe.

Please..let go..

I whispered in my head, even unable to yell to myself for help.

He let out a low, cold-blooded, laugh.

"Pathetic piece of shit. Still can't call for help? Useless bitch."

He's right. I am, aren't I.

I'm good for nothing.


I should just die.


Who's that?

Mom? But there's someone else. Who is it?

Please help me, I'm scared.

I shut my eyes tightly before opening them again.

My ability to breathe was almost nonexistent.

I looked over and saw my mom standing in the living room.

I cried out in my head.


She smiled at me again and shook her head.

"I'm not here to help you anymore, baby. I left someone else to help you."

I spoke softly again in my head.

"......" /

Suddenly, I jolted upright and I was in someone's room lying in the bed.

I freaked out, getting ready to scramble and jump out the window if I had to.

But I paused and looked over, spotting someone 100% familiar to me.

Why is it you? Why are you the one standing here right now?

Why is it you that keeps coming to me when I least expect it?

I don't ask to be helped, but for some reason, it keeps being you who shows up and helps me.

When I'm on the floor ready to accept the end of it all.

When I'm down on the ground, unable to get up and keep going.

When I can't even manage to keep my eyes open anymore.

You are there.

Who are you?

Who the hell are you exactly... Zac Frey?

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