Part 20

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"What the hell was that?"

I heard shuffling and footsteps coming up the stairs.

*Fuck what do I do?*

I quickly got up, opened the window as much as I could get it, and jumped into the closet.

As soon as I closed the closet door, the room door flew open, and Andrew's dad stormed in, followed by Andrew and Olivia.

I peeked through the blinds of the door, praying to God he wouldn't see me.

Andrew quickly pointed out the open window.

"It was just a cross breeze."

He picked up the picture frame and set it back on the desk, facing it's backside towards the window to sell the lie a bit more.

As he went to close the window, his dad picked up the photo frame and examined it.

He scoffed, waving the picture at Andrew. They're not coming back you know. They both are exactly where they need to be. That's where all useless people go.

Andrew snatched the frame and placed it back on his bedside table.

A shirt fell off the hook, and his father shifted his eyes to the closet, slowly walking towards it.

My breath hitched and I tried to keep myself from hyperventilating. This scene is too familiar. He reminds me of my father. that evil glint in his eyes.

"You're lucky you are of use to me. Your looks, your talents, you are the face of my company. I'm proud of you son-"

*Please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop. Don't open the closet.. Andrew!*

He quickly cut off his father, holding his arm out the door so that they could walk out of the room and back downstairs.

"I don't need your praise. Never did, never will."

His father snickered and walked back out of the room, followed by Olivia, and then Andrew.

Andrew whispered as he shut the door.

"Smart girl."

Olivia spoke up smiling at him.

"Who me? Thank you!"

I laughed in my head, and I'm sure Andrew did the same thing, knowing what he said was for me.

What a snobby girl.

After I was sure they had gone downstairs, I slowly opened the closet door.

I stepped out and walked over to the picture that I had knocked over.

I picked it up and sat down on the bed, looking at it.

There was a beautiful woman and a small boy on it.

The boy looked familiar though. And the more I looked at it, the more it came back to me.

This is Andrew's little brother, and I'm assuming this woman is.. his mother?

Wow, she's beautiful. I remember seeing her once, but she had bruises on her face. She smiled at me when I saw her though. It was like she knew exactly who I was.

I gently set the picture back how it was and grabbed the hoodie that fell on the floor in the closet.

I took off my top and put it on, and I immediately got comfortable. The warmth made me overwhelmingly tired. I pulled off my pants to change into of a pair of the shorts I had in the drawer, which it's a miracle that nobody had opened it.

I sat down on the bed to help me keep my balance while I changed, but the warmth was taking over my brain.

I dropped the shorts on the ground, climbing under the covers in just my underwear and his hoodie, and after a few moments, I dozed off.

I'm glad nobody walked in, otherwise we'd both be screwed.

I woke up as Andrew's dad was pulling out of the driveway. I opened the room door and walked downstairs, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

When I got to the center of the stairs, it was only then that I realized there was talking, and Andrew definitely wasn't talking to himself.

I froze as the two stared at me from the bottom of the stairs and somewhat in the living room.

Olivia looked absolutely horrified. She looked me up and down and saw what I was wearing.

"What... the.."


Me and Andrew said completely in sync. Her face turned beet red and she started screaming at me.

"We're not even married yet, and your pathetic ass is already being a home wrecker? You stupid bitch!"

I looked at her, completely unamused.

"You're not even dating yet."

She stared at me in complete disbelief.

"You fucking slut! No wonder why your dad did things to you! You probably encouraged him!"

My pupils shrank and and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach.

I don't think I've ever felt this way before. I slowly moved my eyes over to Andrew who was standing there blank faced.

Olivia smirked at scoffed.

"Got nothing to say, bitch? Well I guess it's true then huh?"

My eye twitched a bit and Andrew walked over to the front door and opened it, not saying a word.

I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and my fingers twitched.

I quickly snatched a fist full of her hair in my hand and dragged her towards the door. She kicked and screamed, but I couldn't care less. I could barely hear her anyway.

I threw her out the door and onto the ground, walking away as Andrew stood in the doorway.

"I have one parent, and that's my mother. This is the only girl I've loved that she's ever approved of, and that will never change. I'm not marrying you, no debate."


He slammed the door shut and she screamed in frustration.

"I'm calling your fucking dad you piece of shit! I'll make your life a living hell!"

He ignored her and grabbed my hand, dragging me back upstairs.

Once we got back to the room he shut the door and stood there facing it for a moment.

There was a heavy silence, and I was ready for him to scold me like never before. But instead, he slowly started laughing and it quickly got louder and out of control.

This boy was belting out laughter, his hand on his stomach.

When he turned around, I saw the brightest smile on his face. I haven't seen him smile like that since we were..

A tear slipped from his eye as he continued laughing.

"What do you not understand about stay upstairs!"

He was out of breath and I could barely understand him through his laughter.

I smiled, rubbing my arm.

"I forgot. I woke up and saw the car leaving so I assumed it was okay."

He sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes and staring at me.

"Still a dumbass. You haven't changed.. well maybe a little."

His smile suddenly disappeared and his jaw clenched. But he wasn't angry, he seemed to be fixating on something, confused, but curious.

"Vivian... What the hell are you wearing?"

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