Chapter 4

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James peeked out through the blinds on the balcony door and saw that Lillian wasn't out on her own balcony. Her room had been quiet, so he estimated she might still be asleep. It had been a late night and the dull thud in his head reminded him that they had both had several drinks during the dance.

He wondered, was it the alcohol that had loosened him up to feel so comfortable with Lillian last night or was it just that he was finally growing accustomed to her presence, even relaxed around her, perhaps?

He didn't have much longer to consider it before his cell phone rang. He ran quickly to the bedside table and picked it up.

"Hello, Jackie," he answered, having seen the caller ID.

"I've waited as long as I can. I have to know. How did it go last night?" she asked in eager anticipation.

"It was—amazing," he said thoughtfully.

"Oh, Jimmy! Really?" she said, now even more excited.


"Well c'mon, give me details!"

"She was beautiful. Is beautiful. But the dress. It was—" He had a hard time coming up with more words.

"Beautiful?" she said, giggling a bit.


"And?" she begged for more information.

"And, she slapped a man for being rude to me. And a pompous jerk to her. He was a moron." He wasn't sure how to explain it better.

"Oh, I like this girl already. What's her name?"


"Nice. And did you dance?"

"Yes. We danced to 82 percent of the songs," he said, having already calculated it in his head the night before as he lay in bed, wide awake for almost an hour.

Jackie giggled again, then asked, "Did she dance with anyone else?"

"No. Only with me."

"Oh, Jimmy," Jackie practically sang, "she really does like you."

"Surprised?" he said sarcastically.

"No. Happy," she said, in a shocking turn of seriousness between the two.

"Thanks, Jacks." His response was equally genuine.

"What are your plans for today?" she asked.

"Ah, the nosy sister is back," he said with a smirk. "I'm heading down for breakfast soon. Then I'm going to spend some time in the library for the morning. Then lunch. Then a swim this afternoon. Is that a satisfactory level of activity for my vacation, or do I need to add in something else?"

"Okay, grumpy pants. And here I thought this Lillian might be doing something for your attitude. Yes, that's perfectly fine. Talk to you later. Have a good time."

"Goodbye, Jacks."

As he hung up the phone, he heard a shuffling sound across the room and glanced just in time to see a slip of paper appear from under the connecting door. He smiled and jumped up, making it across the room in record time. He picked up the paper and unfolded it to read:

Dear Fred Astaire,

Is your head pounding as hard as mine? It's worth it though. I had a wonderful time last night. But, I'm going to have breakfast in my room and avoid the outside world for just a bit longer. Enjoy your day. Once I feel human again, I'll be outside painting.

Hope to see you a little later,

Ginger Rogers

James smiled and set about getting ready for breakfast.

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