Chapter Sixty Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two

She's done what?

Requested an audience with the Head Alpha? Who the hell was the Head Alpha?

She must have seen the confused look on my face because she began to explain who that was. "He is Alpha Alessandro's father."

I stared at her. I stared at my deranged sister. It was official she had lost her freaking mind. Was it the trauma from that night? Or was it the constant anxiety of what was to come that had made her lose her mind?

How did she even know what a Head Alpha was? I certainly didn't know, I had no idea that was even a thing.

"How do you know what a Head Alpha is? How have you requested an audience with him?"

Cami raised her head up proudly. "I've been doing research on Werewolves."

I had no idea how to respond to that. She seemed more different, more mature and content in herself yet still naive about the predicament we were in.

Though I was glad to see that she was no longer completely petrified of her future, this was not what I had anticipated. Now it seemed like she didn't even care if she had a future.

That was worrying, people who didn't care about their future or had nothing to lose were dangerous and a loose cannon. Destruction and chaos would follow them around but they did not care as it would no longer affect them.

Is that what Alpha Alessandro meant when he said to ask Cami what she had done? Had he known that she wanted to speak to his dad about his bastard cousin's murder?

How could he be so relaxed when everything was about to come crumbling down? Surely his dad would not let what Cami did slide. Despite what his nephew did, he would choose his side over Cami's. He probably wouldn't believe Cami about the rape and think she's lying to justify her actions.

Just when I thought everything was under control and I had some sort of power here, life and reality comes crashing in like the ocean waves destroying the sandcastles built on the beach without a moment's hesitation.

The ocean waves this time was unfortunately my sister.

Think Nala, think. I could fix this, I had to fix this.

But how many times would I have to fix it? It seemed never ending, one problem after another. There's only so much a person could take before they break down.

"When will you have this meeting with the Alpha's Dad?" I asked Cami quietly.

"In two days."

Okay, so I had two days to figure this out, two days to make sure Cami doesn't end up dying.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned Cami softly. "Do you not know what this could lead to?"

"I do." Cami's voice was filled with confidence, whether it was real or not I was not sure. "I know what I'm doing."

"They could kill you Cami, do you understand that? You could die!"

"I know."

Urgh. It was like talking to a brick wall, I was getting nowhere and all it was doing was building up my frustration and anger.

I wanted to cry out in frustration, no not in frustration. I just wanted to cry and cry and cry until there was nothing left inside me.

Why did Cami have such little regard to her life? She fought for her life with that rapist and killed him but now it's like she wants to die.

Was it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Was it causing her to think little of life and living?

"I know things have been hard for you." I grabbed Cami's hands and began to speak. "I can't even imagine the hell you've been through, not only when it happened but everything that followed after that."

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