Chapter One

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*Not Edited*

Chapter one

Our lives are over. There was no way around this, no way we could ever live without fear of someone discovering what we did.

I had been in the library typing up my lecture notes from this morning unaware of the horrors that would soon haunt my life forever. Respecting the rules of the library and not wanting to disturb others I had put my phone on silent, missing the six frantic calls my sister had made to me.

It was only when I took a break and glanced at my phone did I notice the calls and texts messages. Without hesitation, I put my laptop in my bag and walked out of the library, leaving my books and stationery there so people would know the spot at the table was occupied.

"Hi Cami, what's up?" I asked her as I zipped up my bag.

"Nala." Cami whispered before she started crying. "Something happened, you have to come home."

"What? What happened? Are you okay?"

Cami didn't answer and all I could hear was anguish cries.

The feeling of dread crept down my spine like a spider leaving a trail of silk. I felt it all over my body, taking control until I'm almost frozen. In this frozen state, my mind offers me only one thought. Help Cami.

"I'm coming home." I told her as I walked back into the library. My body went into auto pilot as I gathered my stuff and headed towards the car park. I don't even remember driving, all I knew is that I had to go home.

As I entered our house, it was eerily quiet and I couldn't help but shudder as I stepped into the hallway. "Cami!" I called out. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen." Cami's voice was hoarse and shook slightly.

I walked towards the kitchen, the sound of my shoes hitting the floor seemed to echo in my ear as if it was on loudspeaker. I wasn't sure what to expect, but my body was preparing itself as my heart started racing and my palms began to feel clammy.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I didn't want to. I had never seen anything like this not even in my worst nightmares. My sister was huddled in the corner of the room, her clothes torn apart, clutching a bloody kitchen knife and her phone. Tears were streaming down her face, her mouth opening and closing as if she was trying to talk but no sound came out.

A man lay on the kitchen floor, a scarlet liquid had drenched his white shirt and had began to pool all around him. His trousers were around his ankles and he wasn't moving.

Thoughts accelerate inside my head, causing everything to hurt. I want them to slow down so I can breathe and process what is in front of me but they don't. My breaths come out in strangled gasps and my vision starts to blur. The sound of my heart hammering inside my chest was too loud and felt as though it would jump out of my body. The room started to spin and I stumbled backwards towards the ground.

"Nala?" Cami cried out softly, pulling my attention towards her. My horror-filled eyes met hers and I took her appearance in again.

I dropped my keys and bag on the floor and with unsteady feet, I walked towards her and gently pulled the knife and phone from her grasp. I put them down on the counter and helped her up. Her trembling figure made my heart clench and though I had some sort of idea about what may have happened, I didn't want to confirm it just yet.

"I'm going to fix this, but first, let's get you all cleaned up." I whispered to her.

Cami looked at me, her tear stained face breaking my heart. "I killed him. Nala, I killed him."

CapturedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora