Chapter Sei

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I sit at the beach and watch as the sun goes up, I always lose time when I'm here, barefoot in the sand watching as the waves draw out real to crash back down on the sand beckoning into its trap. Like a cat and a mouse, like me and life. After another hour I stand dust off all the sand and make my way back to my bike heading back to the house.


I spot multiple black cars in the driveway making my guard instantly go up, a text comes through on my phone from Asher.

Your Family pulled up and all of them are inside, what do u wanna do?

Leave it to me I'm coming in.

I turn off my bike and pull off my helmet, anger is coursing through my veins how dare they fucking show up at my house, my place. I jog up to the door and pull it open being met with 6 faces staring at me, 4 belonging to my so-called brothers and sperm donor.

Asher and Justin rush to me and take my helmet and keys off me, they look at me asking a thousand questions with their eyes. I just give them a quick nod and turn back to the 4 faces staring at me.


I shake my head at my sperm donor, I am not his bambina never was, never will be.

"Alissa come with us, we are going to New York tonight."

" no"

"No? you will do as father says and come to New York. you will be on that plane." Alessandro is the next to speak

I have vivid memories with Alessandro, Sandro was his nickname and he was my second favourite brother but now I have no favourites. I hate them all equally.


Sperm Donor takes a step towards me and I take one back. Hurt flashes through his face but I can't find it in me to care, not after everything. I wasn't raised a bitch.

"What did we ever do to you? We sent you to a good school that took care of you and now we are here to collect you since no one else will. Can't you just be grateful for what we are doing for you?"

I scoff, I don't owe them an explanation and I sure as hell ain't gonna give them one. I wonder how I came from him, how is he my father if he is this delusional. I always see things the way they are, they sent me to a school of abuse where I was tortured and picked as 'the favourite', I was a toy, a weapon, a plaything until they got bored.

I escaped that hell only to be brought into another of homelessness before being found by Justin uncle who passed away a few years ago. Thanks to him I learnt how to use myself as a weapon but to stay in control.

I stare at them keeping my face emotionless as that is what they deserve, they don't deserve an insight into my head. I notice that Emilio and Lorenzo haven't said anything which is weird as I recall they had a lot to say when I was younger especially after what happened.


I turn to the door and hold it open while I stand staring in front of me instead of at them.

They stand in a singular line and head out the door but I don't miss the head nod Alessandro gives Emilio when he walks out but I notice Emilio slip a needle out of his pocket. He quickly brings the arm up thinking I'm distracted but I dodge the needle and twist his arm behind his back.

They all turn around and now I have them all surrounding me, I snatch the needle from Emilio's hand before stabbing it in his neck and pushing on the plunger. I watch as he hits the ground but feel a prick in my leg when I look down I find that the bastard stuck another one in my leg.

Everything goes black.

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