Chapter Diciannove

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I watch the sun rise again for the second time in my office window. I haven't gone back to the house for two days nor have I left this office. Justin and Asher have come in a few times to leave water and food but haven't spoken to me.

My mind won't slow down for five fucking seconds. I have strayed from the rules since I started living with 'my family' and that is probably why everything has gone to shit. The rules kept me I check so I wouldn't snap and now that I have I'm fucked. Justin and Asher know this. I stand up quickly before getting changed into a work out set then heading for our home gym. I know no one will be there which is perfect for me.

I make sure to wrap my hands before swinging on the punching bag. I miss fighting. The rush you get when the opponent lands a good fucking hit that makes your body tingle with anticipation to get them back. It's exhilarating and that was the best part. It never was about the victories, it had always been about the power I felt every time I stepped into the ring.

Fuck this.

I head to the cars and grab my motorbike keys before racing to the warehouse we own. All of the hackers and bodyguards train and live here so it is perfect. I walk in and everyone bows their heads in acknowledgement. I walk straight to the gym where I know everyone would be training. I survey my options before pointing to one of the best bodyguards we have and then pointing to the ring.

" Wrap up and get your ass in the ring now."

He bows his head then makes his way over to the ring wrapping his hands up. I follow and step in, the rush coming back as I step under the ropes. I'm pumped and the guy in front of me, I think his name is Adam, does a quick warm up giving me a view on how he favours his left and how his right shoulder is injured.

Our fight starts and we circle each other until he gets impatient and throws a sloppy hit that I dodge. I landed a good hit on his ribs hard enough to make him stumble back. He regains his footing before sending a comb towards my face that I am able to block though I miss the last punch as it hits my cheekbone. My body comes to life as the pain from my cheek feels my aggression. We drag out the fight with him getting a few hits in and me using him as my personal punching bag till he is knocked out on the ground.

I sit down next to his body as I flick his head a few times to make sure he is passed out though he isn't dead as the subtle rise and fall of his chest tells me he is breathing. I raise my hand grabbing the attention of the medic and pointing towards Adam before I stand and slide under the ropes before heading back to my brother's house as I only have workout clothes at Justin and Asher's.

I feel nothing when I think of my brother's or my sister or even my father. I made peace with what they did all those years ago. It doesn't mean I forgive them, it just means I'm sick of holding on to the hate and anger against them, I'd much rather save it for those more deserving. I won't waste my time on people who mean nothing to me and right now and forever they will mean nothing.

My inner child gave up years ago and when I grew up, so did she. I walk into the house ignoring everyone in the living room as I walk up the stairs taking 2 at a time to get away faster. I walk into the room and lock the door knowing it would do little if they truly wanted to come in. I walk into the bathroom and shower before changing and sitting out on the balcony again.

I wasn't stupid. I knew they had enrolled me into the same school as Mia and the others. They didn't have to tell me I saw the form and acceptance letter. Adrian must have had to pay a lot of money and bribed a lot of people to get me into that school cause my grades are shit, my attendance is shit and my behaviour reports are shit. The school is a private school filled with a bunch of kids with sticks up their ass thinking they are the most important thing that God put on this earth. Using Daddy's and Mummy's money to pay off their expensive cars and shit.

It's quite funny watching them parade around. The uniform for the stupid room was already hanging up in my closet. It is a hand me down from Mia since Adrian couldn't be fucked to get me a new one, which is surprising cause you'd think that he would be embaressed for his 'daughter' to be walking around in such clothing.

I watch the sun set as my brain slows down. A text pops up on my screen from Asher.

Asher: You have a few fights tonight. Are you up for them?

Alissa: Yep all good. What time?

Asher: 11 pm 12pm and 2 am. They good?

Alissa: Yeah, perfect. see you there.

My fingers itch to start the fights earlier but I know I will have fun tonight and I can't wait. I stand up and go pack my fight bag before going back to the balcony. Someone might die tonight.

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