Chapter 30

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"Oh, the music has stopped, that's odd" my dad says, trying to hide a smile.

"Wonder what is going to happen" my mum adds.

"Yeah" I mutter, trying really hard to not roll my eyes.

"Hello, hi" Charles says from the little stage where the musicians are playing. "If I could get your attention, please. Thank you" he says before clearing his throat. "First of all, Merry Christmas everyone!"

"Merry Christmas!" the crowd repeats.

"Tonight is a very special night, and not only because it is Christmas Eve and we are getting to celebrate all together. Eleanor, my love... would you mind coming to the stage with me?"

"C'mon" my mum says with a smile that tries to be encouraging.

"Can we please get a round of applause for Princess Eleanor?" Charles says, making this moment even more embarrassing than it already is.

"Hello" I say once I make it to the stage.

"Hello, love" he says with a big smile that is all dimples. "As you all know, Eleanor and I had known each other since we were kids. We've basically shared our lives together and..."

I don't know what else he says after that, my brain stops processing his words. I just smile, praying that this charade ends soon. But it seems to last forever. Why is he talking so much? And why are people laughing, what did he say? Should I also laugh?

"So, Eleanor" he says, letting go of my hand and making me pay attention. "There is something I would like to ask you."

Those words make the whole crowd start whispering, all of them knowing what is going to happen.

"Eleanor Victoria Alexandra" Charles says, getting in one knee "would you do me the immense honour of becoming my wife?"

"I... I..."

I can hear people whispering again. They are waiting for an answer, and so is Charles, that big smile of his starting to disappear.


"I... I..." I mumble again. "No."

I'm pretty sure that the gasp the crowd has let out the moment I've said that word, has been heard from the other side of the city.

"I think I didn't hear you, Eleanor. What did you say?" Charles asks.

"No" I repeat. "I don't want to marry you."

"But... Eleanor" he says, getting up.

"I'm sorry, Charles. I don't want to marry you" I say, leaving the stage.

"Eleanor, where are you going?" my dad asks.

"Outside. I can't breathe."

Which isn't a lie. My dress feels too tight, and even though the ball room where we are is huge, it feels as if the walls are closing around me.

"But you can't leave, Ellie. What about Charles? What about the wedding? Letizia, say something!"

"Let her go."

"What?" my dad asks with a confused look.

"Let her go, Philip."

"But, but..."

"I'm sorry, dad" I say before starting to run towards the door while all the guests just look at me, the security guards not knowing what to do.

"Ellie! Over here" someone says when I finally manage to leave the ball room.


I was so focused on myself and what Charles was going to do, that I hadn't noticed she wasn't with us.

"C'mon!" she says from behind a door. "Move that pretty ass of yours before they come."

"What is going on?" I ask when I join her.

"You are running away, aren't you?"

"That's the plan, yes."

"Well, I am helping you. Come" she says, taking my hand and making me follow her through a corridor. "The taxi should be here any minute now."

"You called a taxi?"

"How are you supposed to run away? On a pumpkin turned into a carriage?" she laughs. "I knew that our little chat had opened your eyes and that you were going to say no, but it wasn't until I saw your face before Charles went on that stage that I knew you were going to actually do it. That's when I put my plan in motion."

"Your plan?"

"Yes, my plan. Or your plan since you are the one running away. It doesn't matter. What matters is that it works. David?" she calls once we make it outside.

"Here, ma'am" he says.

"David? You also are part of this?" I ask.

"I am, ma'am" he says with a shy smile.

"What... I..."

"It's ok, Ellie" Sophie says, taking both my hands on hers.

"If mum and dad find out..."

"They won't. We are going to tell them that David took me outside because I wasn't feeling ok, and that we didn't hear or see anything."

"Do you think they will believe you?"

"We already told some of my men that I was accompanying her outside. We'll be fine" David says.

"So now you are going to take that taxi and go where your heart takes you. Don't worry about paying him or anything, we have that covered."

"Ok" I say as I feel tears coming to my eyes.

"Ellie. Eleanor" Sophie says. "It's going to be ok. I promise you."


"Oh, come here" she says, giving me a big hug, one that makes me start crying.

"The car is here" David says.

"Ok, time to go. And don't worry about anything, just go be happy. Promise me?" Sophie says, wiping away my tears and trying not to ruin my make up. Though I don't care about it anymore.

"I promise" I nod. "And thank you. Both of you."

"We are just doing what is right" David smiles. "And oh, take this, ma'am" he says, giving me a phone. "We'll keep in contact through it."

"Time to go, Ellie. C'mon" Sophie urges me.

"Yes, yes. I love you" I say, giving her one last hug.

"I love you too" she replies before literally pushing me inside the taxi.

"Where to, ma'am?" the taxi driver asks once I am inside.

I don't have to think too much about my answer, only one place coming to my mind.


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