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A - Aladin

"What would you like on your popcorn this time, father?" I questioned as my face directioned to his, watching as he laid down peacefully on the gray couch.

That is one of our many homely habbits; Mixing up the popcorn with loads of sauces. One time I get to choose, and one time it's his turn to do so. Each at a time.

"Hum... How about we go for ketchup and mustard?" He offered.

"Too sweet and too salty... I love it!" I marched toward the fridge and opened it to get the sauces out. After grabbing the bowl of popcorn from the microwave, I drizzled them on top and mingled it all up.

"If it smells so good, then it must tastes even better." My father stated passionly. His green eyes followed my hands that were holding the massive bowl. "Thank you Mel-Mel." As usual, he has to greet whoever cooks him whatever before he starts his first bite.

"Bet it will. Now let's make it all better by playing the movie." Sitting next to father, I sat the bowl between our legs to which it slowly warmed them. It felt nice amongst the chilly weather outside.

Just as we digged in, my phone lighted and commenced quavering.

"What did we say about phones?" Asked father with grumpiness, meaning that whenever it's movie time our phones should be out of limit.

"Sorry.. will do right away-" That's the last thing I've said before looking at the name of the number who just hung. I was quick to get the call. "Wow, what a surprise.. How's my prince doing? It's been a while." My voice has rapidly became kinned and flustered. It usually happens whenever the name of my boyfriend appears in sight.

He's named Aiden, but I consider him as Aladin. That is why he's a prince to me.

However, my father considers him as a jester. But it wasn't always like that. He began disliking Aiden ever since he's got some attitude, slowly faded away and basically began sheering off from me. Why? I wish I knew.

"I'm doing just alright, and I hope you're too. But it could be better if we get together." Aiden replied from the other side of the phone, dryly and decisively. I wonder what the rush is about... The time he hasn't contacted me is enough to perturb me.

As a general rule, he's been off in our relationship. What turns him on the most is our spry, spirited dates. Such as walks in the park, dancing classes, etc. Anything that includes activiting.

Whenever I'm up for the positives, Aiden's down for it. In a bad meaning.
And the more I think about it is the less relaxed I am. My overthinkings say it's due to bad things I've done that made him ill at ease, or should I say... it's on the contrary?

It may be something I should've done beforehead, and is now pointless to do. Something that strangely prevents him from being alone with me, romantically or friendly. He seeks for the outside croud and it's pretty obvious. Anything to not be seen alone with me...

Whether it's good or bad, I hope he'll bring it to light soon. It makes me feel darkned out, and rather guilty. Owning for what I did and did not.

"May I ask what's this all about? Are you planning to surprise me with a date, or is it something else? So I'll know how to robe myself." I blurted sarcastically, but with a bit of truth. It is actually an old joke of mine, to which I'd enjoy fitting my dressing in accordance to the place he'd take me to. 'A new day, a new outfit'.

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