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D - Do you get it, Melissa?

"Of course I do. In this situation the body takes in fewer calories than it takes out. On the contrary, the body burns more calories than it gains." I replied him with a bit of relief. I haven't forgetten the basics, I just need to take them into action again.

"Correct. So in order for you to lose weight, you need to eat less and move more. Simple is that, right?" Bread smiled. Suspeciously smiled. He's like a teacher that asks one of his students a retoric question and aims to lead them astray.

"I guess..."

"NOT. Because it's not just how much you eat. It's what exactly you're consuming into your body, importantly on a daily basis. You could be drilling yourself to death but it will change nothing if your body won't change its feeding habits. For good." He cleared, raising his voice as a way of accentuating. He knows what he's saying, and I'm sensibled with all that too.

I know what it's like not giving your car the fuel it needs.

"Believe me, I've learned it first hand. And it was frightfully a wasting feeling. But once I get out that door," I hinted on the glossy-looking opening and then at myself, "I will come back as a whole new person. You have my word." And I meant it. For the sake of a better future at studying, dating and more to the list.

"Melissia, right?" He chuckled under his breath while questioning so, combined his hands and took a minute to observe me afresh. "You're the first girl to ever ask for my escort and I'm quite surprised. You seem to have the guts against me, more than most boys I've dealed with. Keep that attitude up." He just spitted it all out in one breath.

I wonder how many girls he had trained before me, and how do they currently look.

Without fail, I'm myself amazed by that change that switched up over so rapidly. Especially since it's my first time encourtering such trainer, with such body, with such... Look at his eyes for once, Melissia! But even them are enough to get me lost.

How come no female insisted for his essistance? If there is something to dumbfound me is the fact that no line of girls' waiting outside his office.

"Why thank you, Bread. It must be owing to the excitment of a fresh start." I felt as nervous as flattered. I'm not used to hear such compliments regarding to me- someone who lets the shyness get the better of her.

"Don't efface yourself, lady. You are clearly ready for this. Just don't let my suavity feint you, because I'll be expecting nothing less than unerring. Do you get it, Melissia?" He ensured.

"Yes. I will not let you down."

"That's what I like to hear. Now would you please write your phone number here?" Bread handed me the same white note he wrote in formerly.

"I'll be keeping in touch with you pending the week, and we'll dive in to the first workout." He ensured.

"Sounds great."

"But before that, I would like to explain to you how this program works." Bread leaned on his dask with a slight lump. "Basically, it's about five meetings per a month, and each one of them costs one hundred dollars. If you want more- then simply pay more. Or, you could extend the meetings' times so that you have more time to work on the workout plan. It's in your hands, lady." He cleared out.

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