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"Thiane, open up."

"No, I'm not crazy. You're going to kill me if I open," Thiane replied.


A rip-roaring cry interrupted Thandie, who had to abort her assassination mission to tend to her child. She hurried to the room where her youngest stood in the dark, holding the bars of her bed and crying.

"There, there, why are you crying? Did I scare you? I'm sorry," Thandie said as she picked up the infant.


Thandie took Belle Ange, who clung to her tee, and went to sit in the living. One wouldn't know who comforted who as she hugged her baby. The mother saw her anger diminish despite herself. Her children were her soft spot; Thiane knew it and used the moment to come out.

"I'm sorry."

Thandie looked to the living room's door with where sister stood. She shook her head in negation, rolled her eyes, and kissed her teeth at Thiane, who stepped into the living room but remained at a reasonable distance.

"Why did you do that, Thiane? I told you, I don't want to be on an app like some leftover woman."

Thandie raised a brow and lowered her head, "Is that how you see me and those around you who use apps? Do we seem like leftovers? We're having a ball. I've met many interesting people. I don't sleep with every man I meet. There are other apps for that, and not everyone has such intentions. It's just about not being lonely."

Thandie shook her head, " I can't date someone, I'mㅡ I'm."

"You are not married. You are not somebody's wife."


"It's true, Thandie."

Thandie cocked a brow. Her sister only called her by her name if she had something crucial to say.

"Why is this so important to you, Thiane? I'm good like this."

"No, you're not, Thandie. You won't make me believe you're happy." Thiane stopped speaking. How could she convince her sister that life wasn't just about responsibilities and dedication? "Tha, you should care about yourself. Moses is gone and living his best life somewhere. Your children are with you now, but they'll leave you someday. What will you do then? You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. You owe a good life of fun and joy to Thandie Olamide."

Thandie gasped; it had been years since she heard her maiden name. She who thought she would die, Mrs. Chiroma was back to square one.

"You are beautiful, my sister. You have so much love to give. You deserve to receive just as much."

Thandie sighed, "You don't understand, Thiane. I've got two jobs and two side hustles. I can't afford to date. I neither have the money nor the time to do it. I'm not over my marriage. I lived and loved one man for years. I can't erase that in one go and move on to the next. Do you think my kids will accept it? I'm not alone in this."

"Your kids love you, Tha. I'm sure they'll want your happiness. You must tell them Moses is with someone else. You can't keep on pretending and telling them he'll come back. They need to know this so you can all move on."

"It's not that simple. Can you imagine the shock and trauma? I can't break their hearts that way."

While Thandie gave her circumstances, Callum filled out the questionnaire. Their five minutes of conversation were up, and the man had hoped until the last minute Thandie would return to finish the chat. He guessed she was busy; she had children, after all.

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