Chapter 2: First (Fire)Flight

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After a month of constant training, it was time for the Kestrels to have their first fire flight match of the season. Kevin trained hard and learned every trick of the Harrier under the tutelage of Lorenza and Oscar. His teammates adapted to his style of leadership. It was time for the season opener. The match was held at N.Denver High School in the open desert of Nevada against the Cadbury Warhawks. The Kestrels were huddled up to discuss their strategy.

Oscar: Like you lot, they are pretty good despite their outdated tech. The odds are pretty even, so it's a great place for you guys to start tipping the scale. Their planes are as follows: F-4E Phantom II, F-5E Freedom Fighter, and F-104 Starfighter. Like I said, Pretty even odds. Though I recommend going after the Phantom and Starfighter. They may have speed on their side but they cannot turn well.

Kevin: I recommend that Jeremiah go after the Phantom and Marcy go after the Starfighter. The Tomcats have the speed to keep up. I'll go after the Freedom Fighter since my jet is agile enough.

Mavis: Sounds like a plan.

The Kestrels stood forward and shook hands with the Warhawks. The teams went to their respective planes and took off. With everyone in the combat zone and weapons free, the match had started.

Jeremiah: Jester, engaging.

Marcy: Twintails and Doc, engaging.

Kevin: Uhhh Kevin, engaging I guess...

Warhawk 1 (F-5E): Warhawk 2 and 3. Go after the Tomcats. The Harrier is mine.

Warhawk 2 (F-4E): Roger.

Warhawk 3 (F-104): Wilco.

The two jets engaged Jeremiah and Marcy.

Jeremiah: Sorry, fella. But you ain't gonna shoot me down that easily.

Jeremiah took evasive actions where the Phantom struggled to keep up.

Jeremiah: He's on me, Marcy. Do your thing.

Jeremiah was luring Warhawk 2 so Marcy could get a clear shot.

Marcy: Fox two.

Marcy's missile hit Warhawk 2's tail.

Home 0 - 1 Away

Warhawk 2: Damn! They're on me!

Warhawk 3: Not for long!

Warhawk 3 sprayed Marcy's back with paint.

Home 7 - 1 Away

Marcy pulled hard to avoid getting shot further. Meanwhile Warhawk 1 was trying to run from Kevin. Kevin's Harrier was just keeping up with the F-5.

Kevin: Fox 2.

Kevin's missile hit the Freedom Fighter and sprayed it with bullets, too.

Home 7 - 14 Away

Jeremiah: Nice gunplay, buddy! Fox 2!

Hit on Warhawk 3

Home 7 - 15 Away

Warhawk 3: Crap! Warhawk 1, I need backup!

Warhawk 1: Roger.

Warhawk 1 strafed Jeremiah.

Home 12 - 15 Away

Marcy: I got this one! Firing missile.

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