The Trunk

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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. I listened as the wind picked up outside, making a branch on an old oak tree right outside my window scratch against the house. Rolling, over, I watched as the tree branch brushed back and forth against the window. 

The rain started as just little pitter pats on the roof, soft like a lullaby. 

Sunday passed by rather uneventfully. Grams spent a lot of time bustling about with the other ladies on the street. They were the unofficial planning committee and I guess Christmas had to get planned immediately. 

I tried to keep myself busy cleaning the house. Grams attic was a time capsule. I don't she, or any other person in our family, ever threw anything out. Ever. When I say there were trunks and boxes stacked, the  museums of the world would be jealous.

The first trunk in the room wasn't as old or dusty as the others. It was black with gold hinges and a gold lock. The top had an etching of a cat on it and the name Lunari.

"What the hell is this?" I wondered to myself.

I tried to open the lid, but it wouldn't budge. 

Of course it's locked. The first interesting thing I find and it's locked. I rolled my eyes and headed out of the attic to clean more and search for that trunk key.

Who is Lunari? Someone from the family?

I made a mental note to ask grams when she got home. 

As the sun waned in the sky, I dug through the fridge to make something for dinner. Gram's fridge was stuffed full of all kinds of foods. I knew she was particularly fond of chicken and pioneer dumplings, so I got to work on making her a nice big dinner as a thanks for everything.

The pioneer dumplings were fairly easy to make. I followed the recipe in the little recipe card holder I'd found and shredded up the chicken nicely, keeping the chicken stock I cooked it in to make the sauce.

She came home right as I was scooping the food into bowls, a huge smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I made dinner. I hope that's okay?" 

"You made me dinner?"

I nodded my head.  She threw her arms around me and squeezed hard.

"You are such a wonderful, sweet girl! And is that chicken and dumplings?"

"Yeah. I found your recipe box and I know how much you like it."

"Thank you, Rory. I am famished!"

We sat down to eat. Grams was not a woman of few words. She always had something to say or some story to tell. Tonight she talked all about the planning committee's meeting for Christmas and the plans for the Christmas Festival. There was a huge pine tree in the middle of town that was decorated every holiday. The big discussion was the theme. Traditional red and green with all kinds of ornaments or white lights with more toned down ornaments.

"Definitely red and green with lots of different ornaments. Maybe ornaments that tell the story of Silverwood and the people here?" I suggested.

"Huh. That is actually a really, really good idea! I love it! I'll take that back to the girls tomorrow!" She clasped her hands together in excitement.

"Grams. Um, I was in the attic today."

"Oh? It's quite dusty up there."

"It is. I found this trunk. It said Lunari on it. It's locked. Do you know who that is and where the key is?"

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