The Legacy

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I stumbled back as my grandmother growled at me lightly. I stared wide eyed as she transformed back into her human self.

"Language, Rory," she said as she picked up her shawl.


"Yes, dear?"

" turned into a cat."

"A panther."

"Okay, a big cat. You changed your body into a panther. Yo..."

"Yes, Rory. I did. And someday soon you will be able to as well."

"I don't....I'm so confused.

"I was too when I first learned what we are. I was about your age. By that time we had to live in secrecy and didn't change in public. It was limited to ceremonies or protection."

"Who would we need to protect ourselves from? I mean we change into panthers."

Grandma sat down and riffled through the papers that were around me and pulled out an old, yellowed photo. 

"That is your great-great uncle. He was a member of the Noctis Lunae."


"They did not want peace with the rest of the world. They wanted to take over the world," she continued.

"So they're just Lunari who are bad?"

She nodded her head. "Yes and because of the evil within their eyes glow red. That's how you can tell a Lunae from a Lunari. The eyes."

"Wow. This is a lot to process, Grams."

"Indeed. Which is why I did not want you finding out just yet."


"Don't be," she said standing, reaching out for my hands. 

She grasped them in hers and squeezed tight while leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

"Is it okay if I keep reading all of this?" I asked.

"Of course. read as much as you want. You should. This is your legacy after all."

"Grams?" I asked.


"Are there any Lunae who live here?"

"No. Your great-great uncle was the last that lived here. He was chased out of town about 75 years ago."

"Where is he now?"

"I suppose wherever the other Lunae dwell."

"We don't know?" I questioned.

"We never bothered to ask. They weren't here and that's all that mattered."

"They never tried coming back?"

"Not since I've been alive," she said.

"Okay. That's good," I mumbled, sitting back down.

"It is. Especially since we don't technically have an army or guards or anything of the sort anymore. We do have a police force."

"Are they Lunari?"

"Some. They're mostly human though."

"Why are there so many humans here?"

"The best way to blend in is by being amongst them. Plus, they're not all so bad."

Are there any Lunari my age?"

Grams nodded her head as she made her way for the attic door. "All of your answers are in that trunk. Keep reading."

I sighed and shuffled through more of the papers until my eyes started to hurt. I yawned, standing up, and took a stack with me as I made my way for my bedroom. Laying down, I tried to get my eyes to focus on the words in front of me. I needed to read more. I needed to learn more.

My head spun with questions, and I couldn't shake the sense that she wasn't telling me everything. The thought that I might have the power to transform into a panther, just like my grandmother and apparently mom and dad, was both thrilling and unsettling. 

Is this my life? Do I become an old lady here like Grams? Or can I do things like mom and dad?

The papers in my hands were a window into a world I had never known existed. Stories of Lunari from generations past, their struggles, their triumphs, and the incredible abilities they possessed filled page after page. 

But as I continued to read, the darker side of our history became more apparent. The Noctis Lunae, the rogue Lunari who had lusted for power and sought to dominate the world, cast a long shadow over our legacy. I shuddered at the thought of their sinister red eyes, a stark contrast to the gentle, glowing blue eyes of the Lunari that Grams had.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to absorb everything I had learned so far. My grandmother had entrusted me with this knowledge, and it felt like a heavy responsibility. Well, I guess I didn't really give her much of a choice. 

I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door, and before I could respond, Grams entered with a tray of tea and biscuits. She always had a way of knowing when I needed comfort.

"Tea, dear?" she asked, placing the tray on my bedside table.

I nodded gratefully and watched as she poured a cup, the warm aroma filling the room. She settled into a chair beside my bed, her eyes filled with understanding.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" she said gently.

I sighed and took a sip of the tea, feeling its soothing warmth. "Yeah, Grams. I mean, I never knew any of this existed. It's like a whole new world."

Grams nodded in agreement. "I know, dear. It's a world we've kept hidden to protect ourselves and others. But now that you know, you have a choice to make."

"What choice, Grams?"

She leaned forward, her eyes locking onto mine. "The choice of what kind of Lunari you want to be, Rory. You can embrace your heritage, learn to control your powers when you get them, and use them for good. Or you can turn away from good and be like the Lunae. But remember, our powers come with responsibilities and so do our choices."

I considered her words carefully, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on me. "I definitely do not want to be a Lunae."

A soft smile crept across Grams' face, and she reached out to squeeze my hand. "That's the spirit, dear. Knowledge is your greatest weapon, and you must wield it wisely. But don't rush. Take your time to learn, to grow, and to find your place among our people."

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination welling up within me. "I will, Grams. I'll make you proud."

She patted my hand affectionately. "I'm already proud of you, Rory. Now, finish your tea, get some rest, you still have school in the morning."

"School? Come on, Grams! Just let me skip? Please?"

"No. Education first, my little love."

"Ugh. Fine."

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