Saviors | Rudy and Alejandro

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Mentions sexual assault and r*pe.
Lots of Spanish. I'll translate most of it. Forgive me if the Spanish sucks.

Alejandro and Rudy had been chasing a drug lord for a few months now. This man not only loves murdering innocent men but loves kidnapping women and tortureing children. He's been giving the Special Forces trouble for a long time by attacking multiple of their safe house's and their base once. But he was always able to slip through the cracks when they attacked him. He seems much larger than just a drug lord, but the Special Forces haven't figured out what he's all into.
When Alejandro and Rudy called for back-up after the drug lord crossed the Mexican border to Los Algodones, California. I was the first to offer my assistance since Task Force 141 was already in the States, and I had grown up in California. I told Price that I was alright going without anyone else in the Task Force 141. But Price still flew me over to Los Algodones in one of our own jets so i could meet up with Alejandro and Rudy. After Special Forces picked me up, I had to set in between Rudy and Alejandro. They didn't have many men with them, but there were 3 five seater trucks, and all were packed. There is barely any room for two more people, let alone an entire Task Force. Both Alejandro and Rudy greeted me in Spanish. I'm slowly getting good at Spanish, but I was no pro.
I decided to check my gun again before we got to a warehouse that the Special Forces found the drug lord is hiding. "Hey." Said Alejandro's rambling Mexican accent from my right.
I turned to him for a moment, and he was he looking directly down at me. "What's up?" I asked, sliding the clip into the pistol and putting it in the holster.
"There's something you should know." He paused before glancing down at my torso, then back up into my eyes. "Tu equipo de pecho está desordenado." He said swiftly with a smirk.
I thought about it for a second, looking at Rudy, who was checking his gun. "Did you just say my chest gear is messed up?" I asked Alejandro.
He chuckled and bumped his shoulder against mine. "Very good." He nodded. "It is." He said, with a stern look.
I looked down only to realize that the front of my gear was slid too far to the left and I looked twisted in the torso.
"Hijo de puta." I mumbled and fixed my gear, causing him and Rudy to laugh because I said 'motherfucker' in Spanish.
"You're getting it." Rudy said as he chuckled. "Eres una aprendiz rápida." He added, telling me that I'm a quick learner. He smiled sweetly, and I got butterflies. I've always thought Rudy was attractive and kind hearted. He was sweet when he wasn't killing enemies.
"Gracias." I said, smirking at him. He eyes glanced around my face before he looked back out the window.
When the truck stopped, Alejandro got out first. He held his hand out, and I held it as I jumped out of the truck before letting go and resting my hand on my gun. Rudy got out, then shut the truck door, and we followed the rest of the team.
As we got close to the building. I was killing enemies like it was a game that I was winning. We decided to split up to cover more ground, and that's when it all went downhill for me. Both of my allies' soldiers were K.I.A. and I got a cut in the arm from a bullet that I barely dodged.
But just at I started to think things were going my way. I had snuck into a room to clean it out. That's when a man came out of the shadows, pulled my gun from my hands by the barrel, and elbowed me in the face. I fell back onto the ground, feeling dizzy from the back of my head hitting the floor. They muttered in Spanish to each other as four of them stood over my body. Three of them dressed in black jumpsuits and one dressed in a fancy suit with sliver accessories. They were taking my weapons away from me and kicking them across the floor. They said things to each other like "Ella probablemente se ve bien desnuda" and "Su boca se ve muy follable". They talked about how fuckable my mouth looks and even said something about me being tight. I groaned painfully and tried setting up but one of the men used his foot to push my back onto the floor by my shoulder. "Stay down bitch!" he yelled in English.
"Get off me." I grabbed his ankle, but he quickly kicked my hand away. Then they took all of my gear as I struggled to get them off. "Stop!" I shouted, pushing them from the ground but they continued. "Stop! Let me go!" I shouted, managing to punch one of the men in the face as the other 3 were ripping up my shirt. "¡Quítate de encima!" I screamed loudly in spanish, saying 'get off of me'. I kicked one of the men in the balls, but one other man punched me in the face, knocking me back down.
I could hear a voice from my headset as it was on the floor a few feet from me. "Blade, where are you?" said Alejandro's voice. I tried crawling to reach for my walkie-talkie, but the man in the suit pulled me to him by my feet and flipped me over onto my stomach.
Another one of the men stomped on my walkie. "Alejandro! Help!" I shouted, kicking my legs, trying to get him to stop pulling down my pants. Two guys held down my arms and shoulders to the cold floor. I was staring to panic and my heart was the only thing I could hear. Until there was gunfire outside the door. "Blade!!" Shouted a voice from the other side. It was Rudy.
"Rudy, help me!" I yelled, and two of the man managed to get my boots and pants off. I tried lefting my arms, but the other two men kept my chest to the floor.
There was banging on the door as Rudy was trying to get in. The gunfire stopped but the men above me didn't. I wasn't able to move until the men flipped me over onto my back, and two of them started to unzip their pants as the other two held one of my arms down and legs up from each side of my body. After the men in the suit unzipped his pants and pulled them down, he reached down towards my underwear. "No!" I screamed to the point I could have ripped my vocal chords right as the door swung open, and the man in the suit was tackled to the ground. The other three of them were shot in the head as Rudy cuffed the man in the suit. He needed to be taken back to Mexico in order to be charged for his crimes.
I crawled away from the bodies before I sat up on the floor, cradling my legs to hide my chest since i was in just underwear with no bra.
Alejandro crouched down next to me, quickly taking off his jacket and lying it over my shoulders, and I looked at him terrified as I slipped my arms into the sleeve of the jacket and closed it to hide my naked body. "We've got you. You're all right, niña." He said quietly.
"They-" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "They tried to.." I leaned against him and clinged to his chest, trying to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. I cried softly into his chest as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rested his other hand on the back of my head.
"I know. I know." He whispered and cradled me. "It's alright. Esta bien." he repeated in spanish. I was overwhelmed and so scared of what could have happened, thinking about all the things they were going to do to me if the guys hadn't shown up in time. My subs grew louder into his chest.
Rudy's gagged the drug lord becomes he kept ranting in spanish. "Shut up!" Rudy punched the man to knock him out before he crawled over to us. "Did they?.." he trailed off, not wanting to ask if they had r*ped me.
"No, but they were so close." I said, looking at Rudy and then up at Alejandro with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Come on, let's get your clothes on and get you out of here. Vamos." Alejandro whispered and helped me to my feet. I slowly stood up, and Rudy grabbed my pants. Alejandro grabbed the rest of my gear. I got dressed and just had to leave my shirt behind because it was in pieces. Alejandro escorted the drug lord out as Rudy walked with me, keeping their guns at the ready for more guard's, but thankfully, they cleared the building.

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