Chapter:12 Twelve

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"Addy." Kelly waved her hand in front  of my eyes. "You have been zoning out the whole entire time i have been talking to you." She said. "Whats wrong?" She asked me.

I sighed and said, "It's Tatum." She looked at me. "Theo's little sister?" She asked and i nod.

Tatum had a month left on Earth and i feel that she has not seen it all yet. "From all you have told me about the times you have spent with her she probably appreciates you so much. You are a great person, Addy." She told me.

"Maybe." I sighed then I got an idea. "How about i make everyday she has left the best days of her life and spend everyday with her."

"You are the nicest person i know, and you are my best friend." Kelly said and I smiled at her.


Everytime i went to Theo's house the girls and I would play hopscotch sometimes they would even force Theo to join us to a point where hopscotch was becoming my favorite game and was becoming easy.

" Tatum and Tilly won again." London stated at the end of out tenth game of hopscotch that day. Tatum and Tilly would always insist on being on a team even though I don't think there are teams in hopscotch but we just played along and London and I were on a team.

" Let's play again." Tatum said and we restarted the game for the eleventh time. When it was Tatum and Tillys turn Tatum played for them first and as she jumped on the first block she stood still then fainted.

I ran up to her and told London to call her mother a minute after London went into the house Theo and his mother ran out of the house.

Theo's mother ran up to where she layed unconscious. "Adalyn, can you call the ambulance?" Theo's mom asked me and I immediately took out my phone and dialed the ambulance.

"Theo text your father to meet us at the hospital." Theo nod and took out his phone.

After a few minutes of waiting the ambulance arrived and the paramedics got out of the ambulance and carried Tatum onto a bed and only one person could go with Tatum, so Theo's mother got into the ambulance and it drove of.

The rest of us walked more like ran to the hospital which was not far from Theo's house.

We met up with Theo's dad who had a worried expression on his face by the entrance.

Theo's dad walked out to the front desk and asked the lady what room Tatum was in which was room ' 101' then came back to us and we all walked towards room 101.

We found Theo's mom sitting outside the room fidgeting with her hands. Tilly and London ran up to sit next to their mother and so did their dad.

My heart was pounding worried for Tatum i felt like I couldn't breathe. I took a seat aswell to calm down a little.

I looked at Theo who was pacing up and down his hair had fallen down his face as he looked down.

I got up from my seat and walked up to him then placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Theo take a seat." I said to him and he actually listened to me and sat down and I too sat back down.

After a long while of waiting the doctor came out into the hallway. "I have good and bad news. The good news is that Tatum is okay and is awake, but the bad news is that she will not be allowed to go outside for the remainder of her time."

That would mean she would not be allowed to play hopscotch, her favorite game and thing to do.

"Atleast she is okay." Her mother said getting up from her seat. "Mommy, can I see my sister?" Tilly asked her mother as she tugged at her hand. Theo's mom looked at the doctor and the doctor nod then moved out of the way allowing Tilly to go in and see her sister.

I can't believe that at only the age of five Tilly is going to lose her sister and have to grow up without her other half and twin. She does not even know why her sister is in a hospital room laying on a bed that's not hers and is attached to a bunch of machines.

Theo and I stayed outside as his parents and London and Tilly entered the room. "Adalyn and Theo, Tatum is calling for you guys." Theo's mom told us and i got up from my seat and so did Theo we both walked into the room.

"Hi, Tatum." I greeted her and she slightly raised her hand to wave at me  and her brother. "Mommy can you call Noah, I want to see him?"She asked her mother in a very low voice, lower then her usual voice and Theo's mom took out her phone and dialed Noah's phone after short while he picked up.

" Hi, mom. "He greeted his mom." Hi, honey. Your little sister wants to talk to you she had fainted earlier and is in the hospital. "She told him while handing the phone to Tatum.

" Hi, Noah. "She greeted him in a whisper." Hi, Tay. "He whispered back to her and she giggled." I miss you, Noah. When are you coming back. "She whispered to him." I will be back tomorrow. My school term has ended. "He whispered to her. A smile had made it's way onto Tatums face and I looked at Theo and it looked like he too had a slight smile on his face.

" Is that a smile? "I whispered into his ear so no one could hear and he straightend his expression then looked at me shaking his head.

I smiled at him.

Tilly asked her mom if she could lay next to her sister on the hospital bed and her mother said yes carrying her onto the bed and she layed next to her sister.

"Hi, Noah." Tilly greeted her brother. "Hey, Tills." He greeted her back. All three of them talked some more.

Theo held my hand and pulled me out of the hospital room. Supprise filled my face. Then he took out a white box that had a blue bow on it similar to the one I got for him.

He then handed it to me then walked back into the room leaving me slightly shocked. I looked at the box then opened it and inside was a letter and a friendship bracelet.

I opened the letter and it read ' Adalyn Rose, I am glad to call you my friend you have brought so much happiness into my family's lives, and I can't be more great full. Thank you for coming up to me that day at the coffee shop if it was not for that day my sisters last days would have been filled with sadness and i would not have someone i can call a friend. Thank you Adalyn Rose.

Your friend Theo Ravens.

I smiled at the letter as tears fell from my cheeks then I put on the bracelet it was lovely. I am glad I could make a difference in Theo, Tatum, Tilly, London, their parents and even Noah even if i have only met him once, lives.

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