𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟔

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“What’d you get?” Sophia asks as Ms Tessa hands me my test paper and continues to hand the rest to other students.

A smirk forms on my lips as I say, “49.5”

“I got 50!” she almost shoves her test paper in my face- like I used to. “I got full marks.”

I chuckle, “congratulations, genius.” she removes the paper from my face and I find her pouting, “what?”

“I don’t like the reactions you give me when I brag about my grades.”

“Oh- do you want me to glare at you? Call you unbelievable? Threaten to choke you if you continue bragging?” I list everything she does when I brag about my grades.

Sophia must know what I did because her pout vanishes and she pins me with a boring glare, “nevermind.” a laugh leaves my mouth at the change of her mood.

As soon as the bell rings, we collect our stuff and walk out of the classroom together. As we walk into the crowded hallways, I lock my pinky finger with hers. She glances at our interlocked finger, locks eyes with me for a while then moves her attention ahead without any emotion on her face.

After our dinner with my family 2 days ago, I keep replaying my moments with Sophia. Something shifted when she met my family. Something shifted in me when she talked to Jane and made her smile. My chest warmed when after dinner, mom talked continuously about how much she loves Sophia.

Something happened that night which made my feelings different towards Sophia. For goodness sake, at the end of that dinner, I wanted to kiss her goodbye. I almost did till reality hit me like a bullet in the chest.

This is all fake.

No matter how hard I try to convince myself that this is fake and we’re putting on a show, some thoughts are impossible to push out of my thoughts.

Even now, while we’re heading to our next class, I can’t help but let multiple questions roam around my mind as I take quick glances at her.

Does she like that we do this? Does she get the same electric current I do when our skin touches? Does she get the desire to drown into my eyes like I want to drown into hers? Did something shift in her feelings for me, too? Does this feel real to her as much as it’s starting to feel real to me?

I look down at our interlocked fingers.

What will she do if I interlock my hand with hers? Will she pull back? Call me insane? Blush like she does when I take her off guard with my sudden gestures?

Once again, my questions are unanswered.

Her finger detaches itself as we enter our class. Ethan is already seated on his desk, texting on his phone with a smile.

God, I never thought I’d see this day.

We take our seat and Ethan puts his phone away, the smile still in place.

“I used to be the reason of that smile.” Ethan slowly turns towards me when I speak.


“Do not forget who used to make you smile before.”

“What the hell are you talking about, James?”

“I will forever be your best friend, understand?”

Ethan frowns, “Are you drunk?”

“This is painful.” I hear Sophia mutter.

“We’re hanging out at the basketball court today.” I tell Ethan.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now