𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟓𝟏

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Sophia keeps coming in and out of consciousness.

The doctors said she’s okay but she’s healing herself so it’s hard for her to stay awake more than her body will let her.

It’s been 4 days.

4 days of catching Sophia open her eyes for a few seconds then going back to sleep.

The doctors let us visit her now since they shifted her out of the ICU.

Laura, Anna, Liv and Eva came to visit. Laura stayed one night and made Alan go home and rest, he came back the other day.

My parents came to ask if there was anything they could help with. Dad discussed everything with Alan while mom comforted Laura.

Richard came to visit Sophia after he found out about the accident. I wanted to ask him what he talked to Sophia about that led her into an accident because I know that that little brunch is the reason Sophia lost control.

Alan was the only one who talked to him. Laura wasn’t present when he came here and I think it’s better.

Richard told Alan he’ll take care of the bill. Alan tried to refuse but Richard did what he said.

From what I saw on his face, he also knows whatever he said is the reason Sophia is in this condition.

Me? I haven’t left her side since they let me see her. I only went home once to change then came back. Mom brought me something to eat but I can’t eat after one bite. I’m surviving on water and hope that Sophia will soon wake up.

I sometimes end up talking to her. I don’t know if she can hear me but I can’t stop.

“Are you planning on sleeping forever, genius?” I stare at her face, she hasn’t opened her eyes once today. “I thought I was the sleeping beauty in the relationship.”

I look at my hand holding hers and a sigh leaves my mouth, “wake up, genius.” I place a soft kiss on her knuckles, “I miss you,” not letting go of her hand, I rest my forehead on the mattress and close my eyes, “so much.”

The beeping of the machine and my breaths are the only source of sound in the room. Alan will be here in a while to make me go home and rest but I will refuse again.

I don’t want to leave her. I’m scared to leave her.


I’m already asleep? And dreaming about Sophia? I haven’t slept properly in days- I haven’t slept at all but Sophia is the only person that’s been on my mind so it makes sense that I’m fast asleep and dreaming about-


My eyes snap open.

The voice is too real to be a dream.

Slowly, I lift my head and lock my eyes with hazel brown ones.

Sophia stares at me and I stare back, still holding her hand.


I blink at her.

“Are you-”

“You’re awake.” I say.

She’s awake.

Get the doctor.


“Stay awake. I’ll be right back.” I quickly say and rush out of the room to get the doctor.

She’s awake.


The doctors will keep Sophia in the hospital for two more days then she’s good to go home.

We’re all in her room right now. Laura bombarded her with questions, asking her what happened but she hasn’t said anything about what happened at Richard’s.

She hasn’t spoken at all. Except for when the doctor was asking her questions. She’s been listening to Laura.

“Are you okay?” Liv asks softly.

Sophia looks at her and gives a weak smile, “yeah. I'm still a little tired.”

“We’ll leave you to rest, honey.” Laura says, getting up from her bed.

Everyone starts to leave. I turn to leave as well but Sophia grabs my sleeve. I turn to look at her.

“Can you stay?”

She stares at me with a nervous expression.

I make sure my voice is soft when I say, “yeah, of course.”

Everyone leaves, leaving me and Sophia in the room. The door closes, vanishing the outside world.


“I love you.”

I blink at Sophia. She bites her lower lip nervously.


“When my car crashed I started thinking about every good moment in my life.” her eyes start glistening with unshed tears, “all I could focus on was that I was dying and I couldn’t tell you that I love you. I should’ve said it when you told me you loved me but I don’t know why I didn’t say it.” tears start leaving her eyes, “I was so scared that I wouldn’t see you again. I’m sorry-”

“Hey, calm down.” I sit on her bed and gently pull her towards me. She wraps her arms around my waist and buries her face in my chest as she continues to cry. “It’s okay,” I say softly, gently soothing her hair.

“I shouldn’t have gone. I should’ve listened to you.” she says between her sobs.

“Did he do something?”

She shakes her head, “no. he invited me to tell me that he wants me and Tyler to get engaged after graduation.” my muscles tense, “he wanted me to break up with you,” her voice cracks, “I got so sick of him. I yelled.”

“Oh, genius. Are you okay?”

“I think.” she pulls away and wipes her eyes, “I now know what I should do.”

“And that is?”

“I need to stop chasing after father’s validation.” a pinch of sadness etches her expression as she continues, “If I keep doing that, I’ll never be able to do something I want.”

“Do you feel lightened by the decision?”

She nods, “I won’t pursue engineering anymore. I’m going to take psychology as my major.”

“So, free therapy sessions for me?”

She smiles, “sure.”

I smile back, “great. Now,” I lean closer so our faces are only an inch apart, “you love me?”

Her cheeks turn a shade of pink as she nods. I smirk.

“So, that means you'll marry me?”


“I know this is a shitty proposal- don't worry, this isn't the official proposal, I will prepare everything is for that- I don't even have a ring right now-”


I blink at her, “what?”

The shade on her cheeks brightens, “I will marry you, Jameson.”

A grin spreads across my face and I kiss her.

She smiles through the kiss and kisses back.

We pull away after a while. I place my forehead against her.

“I love you so much, genius.”

Her smile widens, “I love you too, Jameson.”

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang