Chapter 2

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After visiting many planets in as many different galaxies, Balder felt like his adventures weren't going how he thought they would. The people he met were so strange, nothing like his beautiful Rose.

Not only were they alone, but they were too preoccupied with their own professions to think of anything else or talk about anything else. Not knowing much about geography or the art of lamp lighting, which he thought was such a primitive process, he found every attempt at communication with them left him feeling hollow.

After all, there was one thing they shared. They were as alone as Balder was. The only difference was that he was actually feeling lonely.

He missed Rose and worried that the strong winds might cause her to catch a cold, that some illness might make her bedridden. After all, his Rose was too sensitive, too gentle.

Still, he did learn many valuable lessons and saw many unusual sights, so he continued his journey. That was until he beamed down to the planet Earth, in the middle of the desert.

Earth had changed him irrevocably.

He met a man who forgot how to appreciate things, who couldn't remember his childlike wonder. That man reminded Balder of who he was and that there was wonder. There was magic to be seen everywhere, even on his own planet. If only one looked hard enough.

But more importantly, he met Vivica and became fast friends with her. She was the one who opened his eyes to all the things he failed to learn, being the pampered prince that he was. She taught him about the power of friendship and made him realize the connection he shared with his Rose was more than a friendship.

He wasn't sure when or how it all started. All he knew was that Rose was the one who always stood by his side, and although she had her flaws, she was and always would be his person. The only person who truly understood him, although he failed to see that at the time.

The realization hit him hard one sunny day, and he realized what he should have known long ago.

He had to go back home.

Rose was alone with parents who never understood her, without the one person who always pampered her.

"Vivica, I have to go back home," Balder said that fateful day. "I am worried about my Rose. She is so sensitive, and I left her all alone, unprotected. Anything could happen to her."

"But what about me? Will I ever see you again?" Vivica asked as tears rushed down her cheeks. "I am your friend, too. How can you leave me behind?"

"I am afraid once I go back home, we'll never be able to see each other again," Balder said grimly. "I'll probably be grounded for the rest of my life. But you will always be my friend, in my heart."

"I don't understand," Vivica said, her eyes looking huge as they swam in the tear pools. "Weren't we having fun? Didn't I teach you about the power of friendship? Why are you leaving me for her?"

"We were having fun, and you are the best friend anyone can ever wish for. But you helped me realize that my Rose is so much more than a friend," Balder said dreamily. "She is the one I have always loved, even before I knew what it meant to love someone. It was always her. I was just too stupid to see it."

A sob escaped Vivica as she looked deep into his eyes and saw the truth of what he was saying.

"But for me, it was always you," she said through sobs. "Since the moment I first saw you."

"I am sorry, Vivica," Balder said as gently as he could. "I always saw you as just a friend."

"If you love someone, you must let him go," she murmured softly. "Goodbye, my little prince."

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