Chapter 2

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Darshan and Vartika sit at a candlelit table, the ambience oozing with elegance. The aroma of delicious food wafts through the air as a waiter presents them with menus.

Vartika scans the menu, her eyes lighting up at the extravagant options.

Vartika: Hmm, I think I'll have the lobster risotto and the truffle-infused steak. Oh, and a bottle of that expensive red wine.

Darshan's eyes widen slightly as he glances at the prices listed on the menu. He hesitates for a moment, realizing that the cost of her order exceeds his budget. But he doesn't want to spoil the night.

Darshan: Sounds delicious, Vartika. Go ahead and order whatever you'd like.

Vartika: Are you sure? It's quite pricey.

Darshan: (smiling) Absolutely. Tonight, it's all about indulging in the finer things in life. You deserve it.

Vartika's face lights up with gratitude and affection. She places her order, and the waiter departs.

As they wait for their food, Darshan discreetly checks his wallet. His heart sinks when he sees that he doesn't have enough cash to cover the bill.

Darshan: (whispering to himself) Oh no, I didn't anticipate the cost...

He quickly takes out his phone and checks his bank balance, only to find that he doesn't have much money there either. But he's determined not to let it ruin the evening.

The waiter returns with their food, expertly plated and accompanied by the requested wine. Darshan tries to hide his unease, focusing on the joy in Vartika's eyes.

Vartika: This looks amazing, Darshan. Thank you for bringing me here.

Darshan: (smiling warmly) It's my pleasure, Vartika. I want to make you happy.

They dig into their meals, savoring the flavors and enjoying each other's company. Darshan's mind remains preoccupied with how he'll manage the bill.

When they finish their dinner, the waiter presents them with the check. Darshan's heart skips a beat.

Darshan: (nervously) Excuse me, can I pay with a card?

The waiter nods, and Darshan pulls out his card, silently hoping that he has enough funds to cover the bill.

Darshan: (to himself) Please, let it work...

He slides the card through the machine, his eyes fixated on the screen as it processes the transaction. A sense of relief washes over him as the payment goes through.

Darshan: (exhaling) Phew, that was close.

Vartika: Is everything alright?

Darshan: Yes, just a small moment of panic. But I'm glad everything worked out.

They leave the restaurant, hand in hand, their smiles brighter than ever. The night air is cool as they make their way back home.


Darshan opens the door to his modest apartment, and they step inside, their laughter filling the space.

Vartika: Tonight was perfect, Darshan. Thank you for everything.

Darshan: No need to thank me, Vartika. Seeing you happy is priceless to me.

They embrace, cherishing the love and connection they share. As they settle onto the couch, they reflect on the memorable night, grateful for the bond they have.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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