Ch.5 Sweets

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"It wasn't that bad," Natalie told her. "At the end of it all, you just keep calling him an angel. I think he took it sorta like a compliment."

Nneka slapped her forehead. She physically could not imagine her body doing those things. Touching someone, having her hands moving against his chest, all of it was foreign to her.

"Oh my god, " she kept repeating, "oh my god."

This was a clear sign to her, she thought. A sign to never ever, and I repeat never ever ever get drunk.

After a while of self-sulking, Natalie decided enough was enough. The past was the past, and they already had plans to have fun, so wallowing about being in a semi-unconscious state wasn't going to help.

Natalie slammed her fist down on the coffee table and stood up.

"Enough wallowing, it's not like you'll see him again."

"He's my dentist," Nneka whined.

"Correction, substitute dentist. Besides, you barely go to the dentist as is." She rolled her eyes, annoyed.

Nneka's voice dropped, monotone. While her face sunk in, her eyes looked dazed. "I go the recommended amount."

Besides, we need to hurry up."

Natalie looked away, "Well, we need to hurry up, so get dressed."

"Dressed?" Nneka looked up and checked the clock below the tv, on the tv stand. It was almost 6 pm, meaning she was asleep for a good 3 hours.

"Where are we going?" she asked. As far as she remembered, there was nothing important planned for that night.

Natalie walked towards her room, she stopped and looked back at her. "We're meeting the grooms and bridesmaids, you know the people for the wedding."

Nneka sighed. There was something important, and as usual, she forgot. She blamed it on the gas, even though deep down it was a normal occurrence. She would have probably forgotten her own head if it wasn't attached. But that was who she was, a girl with a terrible memory of anything important. Anything else, like TV show plots from 5 years ago, that...well that she could definitely remember.

"Where are we meeting her again?" Nneka asked.

"A funny place called The Bar." Natalie scoffed, laughing softly to herself, then closed the door behind her.

In a couple of hours, they were outside, on their way to the meet-up point.

Nneka wore predominantly dark clothes with Natalie who wore brighter coloured clothes. It was fall, so sweater weather, but that night was a little colder than usual, at least for Natalie.

When they were only a street away, Natalie stopped. "There's a store down there, It'll be a quick minute."

Nneka nodded, following along.

As soon as they reached the door, a man came out. He was tall, with dark red hair and a light green jacket. But that wasn't what caught Nneka's attention.

It was the thing hovering over his head, a halo.

Nneka rubbed her eyes hard. To the point that if she pushed down even more, they might have popped out, or at least left some damage.

When she looked up, he was gone, and the halo, the halo was gone too.

She concluded it had to be the side effects.

But how did laughing gas make her see halos on people's heads, and not anyone close to her, well not yet that is. Only if whatever she was seeing weren't side effects of course. Then that would be troubling, maybe even crazy.

She scoffed at the idea, then shook her head following Natalie into the store.

The trip itself was quick. All they had to do was find macaroons and then leave.

An easy trip that had them out in a second, and back on their way, except...except Nneka hesitated.

Not to meet them or anything, but in the back of her mind, she kept thinking about halos. She needed a moment to relax and take a breather before joining up with the rest of them.

So in short, she told Natalie she needed someone and that she should go ahead. She'll meet her soon.

Then walked back inside, bought a soda and walked right back out.

The area seemed familiar, and if memory serves her right, the park was only a few minutes behind her.


I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but it's done.

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