CH. 6: Halo's

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She sat there.

Nneka sat at the park, thinking and eventually giving up. The thought of seeing halos surrounding her had to be a product of overtime. Especially since right before their big Spain trip, she had a bunch of reports that needed to be done.

So the lack of sleep, mixed with an excessive amount of screen time would make anyone slightly crazy, or in her case hallucinate.

So seeing 4 strange men with halos, the only rational conclusion was she had overworked herself.

At least, that's what she told herself.

After justifying it all, Nneka decided it was time to go back. She chugged the rest of her soda, crushed the can, and threw it away.

Next, the bar, which coincidentally enough was actually called The Bar.

The owner was too lazy to come up with something catchy or witty well...basically anything good. But the name eventually stuck. At first, it was confusing, with people questioning each other about which particular bar they were talking about. That led to more questions, this time around the name of said establishment, but after a while The Bar became... The Bar.

Hands in her jacket pocket, Nneka walked down there. She turned a corner and could see the flashing neon lights of The Bar from afar.

She was almost there.

A few steps closer, but rushed back.

The door to a restaurant adjacent pulled open. Nneka took a couple of giant steps back right before it could hit her. As the second step almost landed, 2 giant hands wrapped around her arms, holding her in place. She panicked for a second looking at the thick hands holding her against their chest. She wanted to turn around but they held her still, in place.

Coming out were two men, a blond and a brunette around the same height as each other, but her attention was on the grinning blond.

He pushed the door, opened and stood there for a moment looking between her and the thick hands squeezing her arms.

The hands let go, and dragged her to the side, walking off.

Nneka's arms relaxed. She looked passed the blond man in front and watched as the man with long hair, and a dark red giant walked away from her.

She moved towards the man, but her vision was blocked by a black shirt with a brown jacket.

She looked up and smiled briefly, surprised..."Hey."


Elliot was there.

The man from the museum.

The man from Spain.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." He held his arms out, and she gladly stepped into them. They hugged, swaying form side to side like they've known each other for a while and then separated.

"Um...Alex, this is the girl I met at the museum. The one generous kind hearted lady who helped me." Alex nodded. He held out his hand, and they shook it, "Enchante-" "Nneka, nice to meet you too." Alex's accent was thick too, unmistakable for a French man, and she wanted to laugh.

Yet she didn't, cause it really wasn't the time. Plus the moment their conversation started, Nneka's eyes were on the person who held her arms tightly. She watched them walk inside the very same bar where she was supposed to meet her friends and smiled.

"Perfect," she whispered to herself. "Excuse me?" Elliot leaned over. By their height, he really was taller, like 6'5. So when he leaned down, she stepped back eyes widened, staring back at his blue eyes.

"Um...Elliot, I actually have a—" "It was nice seeing you." he interrupted.

"Yeah, we might even see each other again, who knows really?" She chuckled. He laughed, standing up straight. "I would like that. Ciao." Nneka smiled as they walked around her, saying goodbye. She nodded, waving, then shifting her attention to the guy in red.

Nneka rushed down the street and opened the door.

The place was packed.

It's theme woodlands. The walls and floor were wooden. The blue booths were stuffed with people, with a narrow passage between the counters and the booth. There were lanterns hanging from the ceiling mostly around the bar. And some plants by the windows in, and near a backroom. On the table were small food stands that held their meals above the table.

Nneka looked around until she caught Natalie's pink jacket. The fluffy really stood out, bringing her attention to her best friend.

She sat at the very back of the place with 5 other people seemingly squeezed together.

Nneka walked over taking off her jacket.

"Hi," she stopped. Her eyes darted between Natalie and the man she was supposed to sit next to.

Natalie chewed her bottom lips, trying to smile at her, but it came off awkward and worrisome. "Look who's here." Her voice was high, as she dragged her words. But Nneka's eyes were already on the man.

The red-jacket man who held his hands tightly around her shoulder, obviously to stop her from bumping into him. The man who sat next to the only free seat available in the tiny booth. The man who, without a second glance, picked up his jacket and put it over his lap, giving her a space to sit.

"Dr. Cho."


Let finish this together. 

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