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Ch 4: Master of History

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It had finally, finally stopped snowing by the next morning. The sun came over the mountains, casting the clear sky in shades of deep violet and blue. The strongest of the yak were latched to carts that dragged heavy metal sheets behind them to clear the bulk of the snow from the cobbled street. Young children emerged from their homes to play while the older ones were handed shovels to help clear mounds away from doors and windows.

From the window in the room she shared with Elise, Kiya watched the town come to life in the absence of bad weather. It wasn't just the loggers on their way out for critical supplies or children playing and attending to their chores. The butcher across the street from the inn flipped its sign and opened its doors.

Such a strange place. What strange people. It was still bitingly cold without the wind, yet most of those wandering the streets had chosen to go without their scarves and hats. Kiya shivered and pulled the quilt tighter around her legs and further up her body. Did these people not feel how goddess-damned cold it was?

"Kiya, could you give me a hand?" Elise called, stepping out from behind the privacy screen in nothing but her shift and mid-length corset.

"Who are you getting all fancy for?"

"Myself," Elise answered with a confident smile and turned to show Kiya the mess of stings. "I don't need to be in my hunter gear when we're not on patrol. Besides, the magistrate's wife wouldn't stop commenting that young men only held women in high regard when they aren't running around in trousers."

"You are a soldier," Kiya reminded her, untangling the cords and pulling them tight without restricting Elise's ability to breathe. "Whether you wear a dress, slacks, or nothing at all, there is no higher regard than serving your king. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thank you. That means a lot, coming from you."

"You're welcome. How is it going with the magistrate? Red put a lot on your shoulders yesterday."

"It's difficult to say after only a day, but... given this task alone, it's a good thing we're here for four months. This town is a lot older than I thought. It has a deep history, and its mythology is fascinating, I'm sure. But the magistrate is in deep with the capital. It might take me the entire four months to get him out of his own mess."

"I'll come with you, then. Between the two of us, we can sort out whatever nonsense the magistrate has gotten himself into and find the materials the commanders are actually interested in."

"Didn't Red assign you to help August with the inn? I don't want you to get in trouble."

"August doesn't want my help, and I have absolutely no interest in spending a second longer around him than I need to. If Red has a problem with that, then he can help the old bastard."

Kiya ripped the door open so hard that it hit the wall with a harsh bang. Elise raised an eyebrow. That was a more aggressive response than she had expected from her lieutenant. Sure, Kiya had a temper and violence was her typical resolution method, but it usually took a lot more than that to set her off.

Downstairs, August was behind the bar, looking through a heavy book. He barely glanced up when the two women reached the bottom of the stairs, but instantly stood up straight when he saw Kiya. His mouth opened, like he was about to speak, but then he looked back to Elise, closed it again and nodded his head in acknowledgement. Kiya, for her part, practically ran for the far door without looking anywhere near him.

It would have been more subtle for her to light the forest on fire. There was definitely something going on. "I don't think August is that old," she prodded carefully once they were outside. "Ten, maybe fifteen years your senior. Pretty young for a man with his own business."

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