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Ch 14: The Comforts of a Lie

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The sun was beginning to dip behind the mountains when they arrived back at the stables and the inn. Exactly as August predicted, the moment her team found Scout fully tacked up without a rider, they started getting their own horses ready to start the search.

As they approached, Kiya's grip around his waist tightened slightly. "Do me a favor," she said softly. "Don't tell them what happened."

"You want me to lie to your people?" he asked just as quietly, glancing over his shoulder at her.

"I didn't think you would have a problem with that."

Despite the steadiness in her tone, there was a glimmer of worry in her eyes. At the moment, she had no reason to trust him or his word. She was giving him the opportunity to earn it.

"I'll tell them whatever you do," he said with a nod.

Her lips parted in slight surprise, then she smiled. If that weren't the most beautiful thing in the world, he didn't know what was.

"They're back!" One of the soldiers shouted, finally seeing August and Kiya approaching. "Captain, call off the dogs."

Red and Elise came running out of the stables, and when she saw Kiya on the back of Kipper, Elise slumped against the door in relief. "Are you alright?" Red called. "What happened?"

"Scout got spooked," Kiya said simply, and accepted August's hand to lower herself from his stallion. "She threw me and took off."

"Damn, lieutenant!" Quintin laughed. "What? Too distracted by all the trees to stay on your horse?"

She didn't need to answer, as the very second Scout laid eyes on Kiya, she reared, whinnied, and started backing up further into the stable. All five of Kiya's squad mates went quiet and stared at the mare in shock.

"Do you mind settling her in for me?" she asked. "I don't know what's gotten into her, but she won't let me get close."

"Are you hurt?" Red asked.

"A few bruises. Nothing I can't handle."

The captain nodded and his shoulders relaxed. "Go on. We'll take care of Scout."

Kiya also relaxed, clearly thankful that Red wasn't pressing the issue, and took the bags latched to Kipper's saddle before heading for the inn. August led his stallion back to his stall and got to work taking off his gear and rubbing him down. Since the rest of the team had only just started getting their horses tacked, it was only a few minutes before he was left alone with Red while he took care of Scout.

"What isn't she telling me?" he asked immediately after the doors closed.

"You're going to take my word over your lieutenant's?" August grunted, glancing through the bars to the next stall to find Red already staring at him.

"Under any other circumstance, no," Red said in a deadly serious tone. "Kiya's not just my lieutenant, August. She and I have had each other's backs since we were kids, so I know when she's lying. She's been acting strange since the full moon. If something happened out there today, I need to know about it."

So, it was Red. He was the pillar of Kiya's support system. Even if she accepted the truth right now, Red would be the one who would fight the hardest to keep her from leaving the military. Leaving him. A mix of jealousy and grief pulled at August's heart. Jealousy that this man had such an important place in Kiya's life. Grief that she was going to lose him forever, one way or another, and it was going to break her heart. Red would never understand. He could never even know that Kiya was a werewolf now.

"It's like she said," August said flatly. "Her horse started acting strange and got spooked over nothing."

They stared at each other for another long moment, Red's dark brown eyes searching August's silvery grey ones. Then the captain blinked, nodded, and looked away. August finished rubbing Kipper down and left the stables without saying another word.

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